With all other information pushed beyond the pale, politicians want to believe that the quarterly numbers are meaningful and sufficient guides to investment.
Apparently, I imported the name into the right place, but all the other information got stuffed into the notes.
Yep, social security numbers, income information, and all sorts of other personal information, there for the taking.
Such copper pipe now connects telephones, cable television, computers and all manner of other information processing gear.
And then they're getting involved in early sexual behaviors, and they don't understand that that is a career for those women, and that a lot of those women don't get paid, and they don't know all of the other information.
Surely, if they want to search Google to find pictures and any other information all they have to do is ask?
Talented entrepreneurs in these industries all knew each other and traded information.
We shared all our information with all the other NGOs who were doing precisely the same thing.
And we are working very closely with other governments to share all threat information immediately and to coordinate closely our counterterrorism and security activities.
The researchers, David Kindig and Erika Cheng of the University of Wisconsin, looked at federal death data and other information for nearly all 3, 141 U.S. counties over 10 years.
WSJ: Study Points to Declining Life Span for Some U.S. Women
By providing this and other information pertaining to all NASD member firms in a single place, available for simultaneous viewing, investors are able to compare and contrast firms, as well as garner information about the industry generally.
Marines exploited tactical information generated by all the other services because they had interoperable data links.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time for the Bush military build-up
And the next day I added management information systems to all my other majors.
They figured out how to buy better, unsung players for less money by using all the information available to them that other scouts had overlooked.
FORBES: No Mention of LightSquared, Clearwire Gets a Boost in the Sprint Debt Offering News
The Leader of the House said that Lord Prescott should have asked Mr Brown "why he had failed to do anything or respond to any of the reports of the select committees, the information commissioner and all those other people who raised these issues".
By submitting your comment, you hereby give CNN the right, but not the obligation, to post, air, edit, exhibit, telecast, cablecast, webcast, re-use, publish, reproduce, use, license, print, distribute or otherwise use your comment(s) and accompanying personal identifying and other information you provide via all forms of media now known or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity.
So there is a project out there to use available technology and develop technology where software systems can be intermingled and we can develop the access to use software systems, both in government and in private industry the way private industry is doing already now in many cases, in other words, to come all this information.
Smart leaders will recognize the value of information and manage it like all other assets on the balance sheet.
It can also give your bank a wealth of information to offer all sorts of other services to its customers.
Children are now seen and spoken to alone and records are now held by all agencies, who share information with each other.
Security Council, all the other relevant authorities will also receive that information in the proper time so that more information is provided to the public.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Erdogan | The White House
Call people, because there's lawyers who are trained, who are there for no other purpose but to help you vote on the other side, and can give you all the information you want.
An increase of 5.3% in information technology jobs in March outpaced all other industries, as companies, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, continued to expand amid booming demand for social networking, clean technology and other services.
As a result, cloud computing companies like Facebook have been forced to build larger and larger facilities to accommodate all the status updates, comments, photos and other information posted by users (some 2.5 billion pieces of content each day).
Well I think there are two points, first of all the investigation into the original information about drugs and other unsavoury activities that led onto this.
All employees who have access to trade secrets and other confidential information should have signed a confidentiality agreement making it clear that such information belongs solely to the company and cannot be used for other purposes.
FORBES: Can You Keep a Secret? Protecting Your Business's Most Valuable Asset
"They've funneled me more information and contacts and practical help than all the other organizations put together, " says Corcoran.
Because prices, dates, and other specifics are subject to change, please check all information to make sure it's still current before making your travel plans.
The rise of smartphones, all of which can relay the time among so much other pertinent information, has made the wristwatch more about fashion than function.
Then I put Metro (i.e. the new UI which officially has no distinct name) on the right-side display, where it deals with all incoming information -- email, calendars, Twitter and other glance-worthy stuff that shouldn't require any mouse activity.
ENGADGET: Windows 8 upgrade diary: multiple monitors make my mouse mad