The hospitality tents had equipment and supplies donated by people from all over America.
This was the '40s and '50s, when farmers all over Europe were embracing industrial methods.
Each year, scientists from all over the world are invited to submit candidates for the Awards.
There are going to be footprints all over my shoulders, not to mention yours.
There are 22 shops all over London, from Bow Lane and Covent Garden to Richmond and Wimbledon.
As at the end of 2011, Huawei Device serves more than 500 operators all over the world.
And she began to hear from fishing groups from all over the place that wanted to help.
The uses and benefits of ice as a resource eventually came to be known all over the world.
Another catalog we look forward to enjoying for the first time all over again is The Sixth Sense.
Next summer, sports enthusiasts from all over the world will flock to London for the 2012 Olympic Games.
Eighteen people in total from all over the world are involved in the competition for six "dream jobs".
If not, you should reconsider your promise to do it all over again in a year!
Videos and eye-catching infographics (analogous to the storyboards for a movie) are all over the place.
One night, under a brilliant African moon, he crawled all over the plane, snapping photos.
Attendance was estimated to be more than 70, 000 people from all over the country.
FORBES: Disarming Realities: As Gun Sales Soar, Gun Crimes Plummet
Cutting-edge businesses from all over the world are deciding to build here and hire here.
It was like being a baby and learning to eat all over again, Benzine says.
CNN: Learning to eat again: Man drops 130 pounds after surgery
Some doors had a dozen business cards tucked into them, from reporters all over the world.
Solomon asks parents whether, given a choice, they would do it all over again.
Put it this way: we just might need to review the OS all over again.
Your question is one that's being asked by college kids all over this country.
People claiming the Personal Independence Payment will have to be assessed all over again.
Rep. MURTHA: I've gotten the message from retired people from all over the country.
Ben the Burner convinced Barry to spread their remaining seeds all over the entire kingdom.
Library officials said they had received messages of "concern and support" from all over the world.
BBC: National Library of Wales reopens to the public after fire
Scenarios like this are happening all over our hierarchical structures for very good reasons.
Posters, TV commercials and newspaper advertisements starring Joe popped up all over the country.
All over the country and right here in North Carolina folks are losing their jobs.
The Chinese community has been existing for a hundred years all over the world.
All over the city, historic buildings are either being demolished or turned into supermarkets and condos.