That tidbit is no surprise, as nearly all previous iPhones and iPods have used a 30-pin connector.
FORBES: How One iPhone Accessory Company Is Preparing For iPhone 5
He dismisses all previous attempts at fusion as lighting the edge of a pile of wet leaves.
This revision to the Circular will become effective in Fiscal Year 2006 and supersede all previous versions.
WHITEHOUSE: OMB Circular A-123 - Management's Responsibility for Internal Control | The White House
The form factor takes the best of all previous generations, and it is faster, thinner, lighter and smarter!
FORBES: Apple iPhone 5 and Stunning New iPods Set Stage for Strongest December Quarter Ever
There was earlier important work by Julian Schwinger, Philip Anderson, and Yoichiro Nambu (all previous Nobel Prize winners).
This is the fourth rover Nasa has put on Mars, but its scale and sophistication dwarf all previous projects.
Ticket sales for The Enchanted Forest have broken all previous box office records, according to the company behind the event.
Many more may want it, but that, he says, would be as much as was achieved under all previous governments combined.
But like all previous Thai prime ministers, he owes his rule to a fractious coalition, in his case comprising six parties.
While expert forecasts for political advertising expenditures vary considerably, there is now widespread agreement that all previous records will be broken.
FORBES: Five Reasons Why 2012 Will Be A Banner Year For Political Advertising
The researchers reviewed all previous work and museum specimens dating to 1896.
In all previous trade rounds, America had a long list of demands.
The key change was that the constitution set out to replace all previous treaties, and set out the EU legal base from scratch.
He and his two crew mates explained that NASA originally planned for their mission to stay in earth's orbit, like all previous missions.
But pushing through a tax reform and collecting the taxes already owed are tasks that have proved too big for all previous post-Soviet governments.
And, against all previous experience of Mr Berlusconi's tawdry governments, many people still want to believe in the magic that made him Italy's richest man.
All previous versions, bar the first, have been unveiled in June.
Without American leadership, crucial in all previous rounds, other countries' reluctance to liberalise, most notably the European Union's obduracy over agriculture, is unlikely to be overcome.
In all previous presidential elections since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the adoption of a new constitution in 1992, the president has been chosen by parliament.
The need to develop carbon-free energy sources is greater than ever, and Germany is leading the charge, breaking all previous solar installation records in 2012.
ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: cardboard cockroach, a milk carton pavilion and the iPotty
Its texture and chemistry set it apart from all previous objects picked up off the surface of Earth but known to originate on the Red Planet.
You look at almost all the top gamers in the world, and you'll see that they're almost all previous athletes who played a lot of different sports.
The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act, which was passed in 1917, to target suspected leakers in six cases, twice the number undertaken by all previous administrations combined.
Consideration by the full House now scheduled for next week is the last major hurdle, with all previous actions in committee and in the Senate being lopsidedly in favor.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will the GOP Pull a 'Pelosi' on Patent Rights?
Amazon-purchased MP3s (including all previous purchases) do not count against the 250 or 250, 000-song limits and will be added to both Free and Premium Cloud Player libraries at no charge.
It has created a city-wide network in which physicians can, with the patient's permission, log on to a complete medical history that includes all previous care at the 11 participating hospitals.
The Obama administration has aggressively investigated disclosures of classified information to the media and has brought six cases against people suspected of providing classified information, more than under all previous presidents combined.
Then, with about 100 meters remaining, Lagat got a gap on Rupp, and it appeared as if things were playing to form: Lagat, after all, had beaten Rupp in all previous meetings.
WSJ: London Olympics 2012: It Only Took 40 Years to Catch Up to Steve Prefontaine
All previous UK-born astronauts that have gone into orbit have done so either through the US space agency (Nasa) as American citizens or on private ventures organised with the assistance of the Russian space agency.
BBC: UK astronaut Tim Peake to go to International Space Station