• To develop the strong ties between future generations of Japanese and American citizens, we commit to strengthening people-to-people connections at all levels through efforts such as the Kizuna Project and the TOMODACHI initiative.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • He called on Christians of all denominations to resist the efforts of such people to destroy Christian heritage and culture.

    BBC: Seek happiness, not prosperity, archbishop urges

  • In the middle there may be more practical policies, such as decriminalizing consumption but putting all the efforts into interdiction.

    CNN: U.S.-Colombia trade deal to take effect in May

  • Such ill-advised efforts are being repeated all over the world, wherever development continues to ignore the special needs of minority or indigenous groups.

    UNESCO: Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

  • This was despite nearly identical power outputs in all four tests and efforts to control for possible confounding variables, such as the time of day.

    ECONOMIST: Exercise and company

  • Chavez says he does not know to what extent--if at all--Google's profits have been dented by censoring efforts, such as Thailand's recent ban on the company's YouTube video site.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Equally those who want change, should they lose such a vote, would be expected by the majority of the Parliamentary Labour Party to devote all of their efforts to winning the election.

    BBC: In full: Text of Brown letter

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