But above all, I want to thank all the teachers who are here today.
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And thank you for all the teachers and staff and the folks who are working with these kids, the parents who are here today.
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So -- and I want to thank all the teachers and the faculty, the staff who are here, because I know that you guys put your heart and soul into doing this great work.
The scheme for children from nursery age upwards will follow the model established on that scheme of having all the teachers and assistants in the schools involved learning the language to be taught, rather than bringing in specialist teachers.
All the original teachers that unionized Conservatory in the first place have moved on to other jobs, and the new teachers are less enthusiastic about membership.
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The impossible has always seemed possible and that is solely a result of all the great teachers and learning experiences I have been exposed to along the way.
From my husband right on down through the ranks of this military, from those powerful CEOs to all of the teachers, clergy, and neighbors that you deal with every single day.
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All of the teachers who reported highly stressed pupils said the children were also under pressure from their parents.
Mr Blair presented all the head teachers at the reception with awards, and told them they were the entrepreneurs of the new century, maximising the human capital in the nation's children.
And you have to hire all these teachers along the way and pay for all the laboratory facilities and all that, but there's nothing more important.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
Starting in 1981, Mischel sent out a questionnaire to all the reachable parents, teachers, and academic advisers of the six hundred and fifty-three subjects who had participated in the marshmallow task, who were by then in high school.
It is worth noting that the materials produced by UNESCO will be accessible to all teachers through the pedagogical resources portal of the Ministry of Education and therefore easy to use and to upscale in a cost-effective manner.
Ms. SUREN KORENE HASSAN (Student, Basra University): (Through Translator) All the students and teachers were afraid of them.
No single person can train all the math and science teachers we'll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores.
In order to improve the quality of education, as registered in UNESCO report of the International Commisson of Education for the 21st Century, "Education: the treasure within": it is necessary, above all, to improve the teachers' recruitment, education, social status and their working conditions.
There were four days of scrutiny at report stage and the government won all divisions, including one on a Labour amendment which would have ensured that all teachers practising in the classroom have qualified teacher status.
With the support of teachers, all 102 of the school's seminarians went from their campus on the dusty industrial outskirts of Hebei province's capital to the downtown office of the government's religious-affairs bureau.
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"One of the key areas where common sense and the practical, day-to-day experience of teachers all over the country has been sacrificed on the altar of political targets is discipline, " she said.
The school board, superintendent, principals, and the select teachers running the pilot all saw the potential, were willing to throw out everything they knew about how schooling worked, and make the leap.
All on the backs of teachers and other public servants, right?
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Many conservatives will doubtless reply that education's debasement threatens our capitalistic, small government way of life thanks to all the "liberal" teachers, but history proves otherwise.
Because 46% of all new teachers in the United States leave the profession within five years, NCTAF says leaders of at-risk schools are in a constant cycle of rebuilding their staff.
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Then you shift gears and blame the teachers unions for protecting bad teachers that ought to be fired and dig into the all-too-deep trough of anecdotal evidence to dredge up a few examples of really bad teachers that were hard to fire.
By the end you were half expecting LaPierre to start talking about arming teachers or going all the way and letting kindergartners conceal carry.
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But she fails to apply the same criticisms to the powerful teachers unions, about whom all of the above could be said, and who lobby state governments for centralized rules that favor their members.
One of the most effective ways of achieving a better quality of education for all is through improving the quality of teachers.
The training will, first of all, enable teachers to make an effective use of the Internet, to easily find and deal with information related to their teaching subjects.
The NASUWT union said all five specialist teachers, based at Mount Education Support Centre, were picketing at the Civic Centre.