This week the Sunday Times claimed to have seen a transcript of a tape recording of a phone call of Mr Huhne talking to someone (who some now allege was his wife) about the allegations.
The three - two religious parties and a party of Russian immigrants - allege he failed to consult them about his negotiating position at the US summit.
Ethiopia's reservation about the technical arrangements is not, as you allege, to play for time but because they contain issues which are not only foreign to the framework agreement and the implementation modalities, but are also vague and interfere with the sovereign right of Ethiopia.
The complaint would also allege that the plaintiff purchased shares in the mutual fund without knowing anything about Shariah other than what the defendants represented to the public.
Referring to discussions about the so-called "cover stories" that the managers allege were to be used in her testimony, a grand juror asked her: It is possible that you had these discussions after you learned that you were a witness in the Paula Jones case?