Yet look in the periphery of such allegorical tales and you can find some surprisingly accurate vaticination.
The plays have largely neutral settings, the better to enhance their allegorical atmosphere.
In Medicine, an allegorical Hygiena stands in front of Suffering Humanity, a huddled mass of men, women and children.
Allegorical pictures of contemporary events have a way of weaving in and out between the symbolic and the semi-psychotic.
But people just like violent otherworldly stuff, and give it a lot of non-allegorical license to do its thing.
He knew the voice had to be fantastic, exuberant, manic and hugely allegorical.
In a pre-scientific world, these allegorical tales served a dual purpose.
Grand secretary Brown argues that the initiations are allegorical one-act plays.
But she says the statue itself is an allegorical image of virtue trying to resist the temptations of civic vice, depicted as two feminized sea creatures.
Now Mr Lukashenka is embroiled in a diplomatic row with the West that captures with almost allegorical perfection the essential elements of his style and policy.
His Anschutz Film Group has made 33 family-friendly movies like Bridge to Terabithia and The Chronicles of Narnia series, based on the Christian allegorical novels by C.
The director Zhang Yimou returns to the allegorical drama in this simple but at times trenchantly emotional tale of Takada (the excellent Ken Takakura), a widowed Japanese fisherman.
In this rare, silk allegorical embroidery, Wisdom watches over four students viewing a large unframed map and points to a classical temple, signifying the importance of maps in higher learning.
WSJ: Charting the Role They Played | Common Destinations | Winterthur | By Judith H. Dobrzynski
He was referring to "The Voyage of Life, " a series of allegorical paintings about childhood, youth, manhood and old age, a set of which resides at the National Gallery in Washington.
The story -- about a giant robot from space who must choose to overcome the darker forces in his programming -- turns out to have allegorical significance, thanks to recent events.
According to the Toronto Film Festival, the new film is "an engrossing allegorical fantasy in which children born on the cusp of India's independence from Britain are endowed with strange, magical abilities".
Backlit in gloomy purple and red, and accompanied by strings, flute, percussion and a harpsichord, a trio slipped into each other's roles in an allegorical depiction of how all are victims and perpetrators.
But I don't believe every single thing in the literal sense of Jonah being in the belly of the whale, or, you know, there are some things in it that I think were put there as allegorical.
No matter what you want to believe, no matter how allegorical and deep you think those words are, no matter how much Freud you studied or Night Train you drank, those words are the magnetic poetry of the Age of Aquarius.
The result blends a vivid account of daily life, fluid and unsettling, in a modern British town with powerful allegorical reflections on the connections between past and present, time and space, and high culture and the hard scrabble world that sustains it.
While the plot may recall other allegorical crossings (such as the one that the Knight, the Squire and the circus family undertake in Ingmar Bergman's film "The Seventh Seal"), the power of Blackburn's book lies in her language and in her ability to conjure images that are at once spooky and heart-rending.