Interestingly, the allegory seems to be playing itself out in the real world of automotive sales.
First, is the imagined world really an allegory for some aspect of the present day?
Plato famously used the allegory of the cave to show people the limits of their thinking.
Karl Marx used Crusoe's one-person domestic production as an allegory for economy in its simplest form.
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By then, the game had changed character and become an allegory of society and, increasingly, a metaphor of love.
History, allegory and legend, with all of their symbolic accouterments, received confident aesthetic expression in murals, friezes, carvings and embellishments.
Crying widows kneel at the base of his tomb, which is topped by an allegory of law and order triumphing over chaos.
BBC: The Recoleta Cemetery: Silent theatre and city of the dead
Romero says his main focus is not so much horror but allegory.
Cast from white stone, it is a vivid allegory of the immortal soul and depicts an angel hoisting the soul heavenwards while discarding the earthly body.
BBC: The Recoleta Cemetery: Silent theatre and city of the dead
Though Tolkien, a Catholic, helped reconvert Lewis to Christianity after his atheist years, it is Lewis's fantasy world, not Tolkien's, that radiates Christian allegory.
The eggplant is also an allegory of migration and cross-cultural exchange.
The refinement and beauty of the Cleopatra becomes a foil for the swiftly drawn, almost grotesque head on its verso perhaps an allegory of contrasts or an inside joke.
That gets its first outing in the Book of Revelation, a lurid account of the apocalypse probably best read as an allegory of the individual Christian's journey to salvation.
The application said the bronze-clad statue of the woman, carrying a sword, as well as scales with a base of legal books, was a "modern allegory of truth and justice".
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To continue the interpretation, the story of Cain and Abel may be taken as an illustration of the zero-sum game of primogeniture, as well as an allegory for the slaughter of nomadic pasturage by urban agriculture.
In between came Camus's two best-known works, "The Stranger" (1942), in which the collaborating sun, sea and sand play a deadly role, and "The Plague" (1947), a loose allegory of occupation (by rats) set in Oran, Algeria's second city.
For those with a taste for political allegory, there is something to ponder here, although the director, Pierre Morel, together with his producer (and co-writer) Luc Besson, takes things at such a clip that little room is left for contemplation.