The president also said U.S. allies had also taken steps to block assets affiliated with the two networks.
Finally, the United States must lead its NATO allies in bringing Milosevic to justice.
From the start, there was a split in how NATO allies engaged in Afghanistan.
What will happen if the other NATO allies fail to step to the plate?
And as NATO allies, we are bound to help each other defend our territories.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
Mr Malik and Mr Ibad have been working to reunited the estranged party allies.
The Western democratic allies require a true sense of the dimensions and terms of this relationship.
Both opponents and allies of Ford have questioned whether the mayor has told the truth.
And here we have one heart of allies that beats with the other allies.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
First off, you can play the game with AI allies and that works perfectly fine.
Mr. Saleh's resistance to cede power had isolated Yemen from his longtime regional allies.
Clinton allies saw that as favoring Obama, who has been leading in the pledged delegate count.
His allies were already planning for what would come next, because he is 82.
"Our governments are friends and allies, " Mitchell said Sunday after his meeting with Barak.
But power politics, rather than idealism, was the mainspring of the allies' response in 1948.
And events affecting our boringly reliable allies get commented on all of the time.
FORBES: Why Is Obama's State Department Uneasy About Democracy?
No, seriously, scientist-activists and their media allies have alleged each of the above, and then some.
There was then the need to support allies, particularly in sending advisers to train their armies.
Putting our Israeli allies in such a position is not desirable for the United States.
Republicans may not want to risk being seen as allies of the big, bad bankers.
Does this convention oblige us to take actions beyond attacks on ourselves or on our allies?
Obama and his allies somehow convinced themselves the gun issue would hurt conservatives and Republicans.
They are our partner in this battle against al Qaeda and its extremist allies.
The airstrikes have riled Syria's allies in the region: Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
CNN: 42 soldiers dead in Syria strike, opposition group says
President Bush liked to reserve them for very close allies to celebrate strong ties.
The powerful cruise lobby, with many allies in the state legislature, sank the bill.
That's obviously extremely important to not just our government, but obviously to our allies.
The U.S. and its allies are trying to figure out what to do with about Iran.
The European Union and the U.S. are longstanding partners and staunch allies to the Atlantic relationship.
Your allies are marching for something that you guys are not putting out yet.