"For a while we did this almost every week, " said the former Norway international.
Between his shows in Britain and America, Cowell, 48, is on the tube almost every week.
He said this week that almost every week a journalist somewhere in the world lost his or her life.
In addition to the games announced today, ESPN 3D will telecast a featured college football game almost every week of the season.
Now Ms. Rico, who lives near San Diego, calls the study clinic almost every week to see if he can start receiving the injections again.
The store owners had to raise prices almost every week last year, as shipments from Japan became increasingly costly, leading to a drop in sales.
For a while she mailed candy almost every week, sometimes divinity instead of fudge, but Jarvis did not send her another bill, except at Christmas time.
As everyone who keeps up with technology knows, almost every week new developments are being made in hydrogen technology, and sun and wind power are improving almost as rapidly.
The lab, with 10 staff, receives samples almost every week including segments of elephant tusk, rhino horn, entire tiger skins and pieces of fur and flesh from a host of other creatures.
The benchmark Nikkei 225, which has been reaching fresh lows almost every week recently, fell by 6.6%, to close below 10, 000 for the first time in over 17 years, while the Topix index, which covers a wider range of stocks, fell by 6.4% to below 1, 000.
Almost every other week another company announces a new presence here.
Complete with conceptual designs, ship specs, a funding schedule and almost every other imaginable detail, the BTE website was launched just this week and covers almost every aspect of how the project could be done.
The number of hours people said they watch TV every week almost doubled in two years: from 10 hours in 2011 to 19 hours this year.
Last week, Brooklyn federal court Judge Nicholas Garaufis criticized almost every aspect of the case in overturning Mr. Lopez's conviction of killing a man in a Coney Island robbery.
Nineteen per cent - which would equate to over 7.5 million people - eat ready meals once or twice a week, and 2% (almost one million) eat them every day.
According to a 2011 poll, more than half of Americans between the ages of thirteen and sixty-four experience a sleep problem almost every night, and nearly two-thirds complain that they are not getting enough rest during the week.