• And there's been plenty of time for his curiosity to evolve: WALL-E has been alone on Earth for seven centuries, ever since the last humans left and neglected to switch him off.

    WSJ: 'WALL-E' Is Richly Human Tale of a Robot

  • If the trial shows that the stoves can be sold, even at a subsidized price, work on establishing a sustainable market can begin, providing access to the stove for many more women in Darfur and elsewhere than would ever be possible through donor grants alone.

    FORBES: How A Market-Based Approach Can Solve A Humanitarian Problem In Darfur

  • At one point, Klinenberg introduces us to Dee, a ninety-year-old widow who has lived alone for the past twenty-nine years in a Harlem apartment, and has no intention of leaving, ever.

    NEWYORKER: The Disconnect

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