What these guys give readers, then, is more than a pass-along of raw data.
How does this particularly move this process along of actually getting a negotiated deal?
The Codexis-Cosan-Shell partnership and the Amyris-Santelisa-Total one are the furthest along of the drop-in fuel businesses, but others are coming up on the rails.
ECONOMIST: Biofuels are back. This time they might even work
The first, and apparently further along of the two, is Lenovo, which has announced that it's entered a "Memorandum of Understanding" with an unnamed "independent third party" to purchase the PC maker.
Under no circumstances may foreigners acquire direct ownership of lands or waters within a zone of one hundred kilometers along the frontiers and of fifty kilometers along the shores of the country.
Along with pieces of Pride and Prejudice, there were slices of Sense and Sensibility along with dollops of Persuasion and hints of Emma.
Many of these paths have existed for hundreds of years, and a walk along one of these routes will bring you into lush backcountry, where wild wisteria, irises, azaleas and thick groves of bamboo grow along the trail.
One day, Manny and I hiked along the edge of the Firth, treading along the edges of cliffs that plunged precipitously into the vibrant green river.
In other words, the diesel engine manufacturer must pass along the cost of the starter to the truck company, and the truck company must then pass along the cost of the engine to the final consumer.
The scene is like something from Soviet propaganda: a brigade of women working quickly along acres of vines, snipping bunches of grapes with secateurs.
"When someone who hasn't heard of us asks questions, we tell them we're sort of along the lines of Scouting but we are much more conservative, " Door said.
So, again, this is sort of along the lines of what I was telling Jake, and that is, we have seen over the course of many months an increased willingness to cooperate from the Pakistanis.
This evening, as the core of Sandy moves ashore, the storm will carry with it a gigantic bulge of water that will raise waters levels to the highest storm tides ever seen in over a century of record keeping, along much of the coastline of New Jersey and New York.
FORBES: Hurricane Sandy's Storm Surge: A Preview of Things to Come
Technical changes this year include removal of the extended arms of the lampposts along the route, pruning of trees along Central Park and having a meteorologist on hand.
Vacancies are so prevalent that the city has put murals of Rochester's former glory along stretches of multiple empty storefronts to hide the eyesores.
So Bear Stearns dumped the code into Agitar's product, called Agitator, which, in a couple of hours, can exercise new programs along millions of possible scenarios.
However, the report said that the main branch of the river meets or exceeds standards along most of its 444 miles, and many smaller watersheds are pristine.
Powys has quite a share of Wales' 500 turbines already, as drivers along many of its roads can testify.
Nothing captured it all more forcefully than the sight of a young boy in a nearby village pushing along one of those simple homemade toys with wheels and a long handle that you find across so much of the world.
See, in order to "educate" consumers, Best Buy has a run-down of specs along with definitions of each property.
The report also recommends better continuing professional development for teachers and a college of teaching along the lines of a professional institute.
"Maybe we should introduce some kind of scheme along the lines of that which we have with historic buildings in this country, " said Casey.
Ms. MAYNARD: It just goes to show you that the Chinese market, which really kind of dragged along for most of the last 20 years, has pretty much come into its own.
Academics have a habit of crawling along the frontiers of knowledge with a magnifying glass, blind to the wide vistas opening up before them, and often reducing the most engaging subjects to tedious debates about methodology.
The latest sea-surface height measurements reveal unusually cool water (shown as blue and purple) and sea levels that are two to seven inches below normal, extending from the Gulf of Alaska along the coast of North America.
And then we've got Sam Kass who a lot of you probably met -- (applause) -- but Sam is in charge of the White House Garden, so he oversees all of that along with all of our wonderful White House chefs.
But come hurricane season, the structure that resembles a miniature version of the famed Astrodome will double as a hurricane shelter, part of an ambitious storm-defense system that is taking shape along hundreds of miles of the Texas Gulf Coast.
FORBES: 'Hurricane Domes,' Or How Being Under Threat of Disaster Can Help Fund A New Gym
He then leads 50 of the comic's most famous characters in a sing-along version of Hey Jude.
Well into the construction of the GSZ Superhighway in 1992, Hopewell engineers discovered soft land along parts of the road.
Serious commercial activity began in the 1790s with the development of salt springs along the edge of Onondaga Lake, part of present-day Syracuse.