• The advent of tablet computers, along with behavioral and targeted advertising, will provide a good opportunity for content producers and advertisers to synergize from the creative destruction caused by the internet. (See Quiet before the Storm: Intel and AMD Dominate the Chip Industry Ahead of Tablet Showdown).

    FORBES: Online Ad Spending Exceeds Print, Hitting $25.8 Billion

  • With the advent of electronic medical records, along with the established role of computers and broadening impact of mobile based platforms in healthcare, having a staff that is technically proficient will likely ensure success in this new healthcare environment.

    FORBES: 4 Essential Traits For Hospital Employees In The New "Value-Based" Workplace

  • Still, it was the advent, in the mid-nineties, of the Global Positioning System, along with advances in microcomputing, that ushered in the possibility of automated unmanned flight.

    NEWYORKER: Here��s Looking at You

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