Ali Shah Ahmadzai, who oversees the ALP program at the Ministry of Interior in Kabul.
Even the German word 'Alp' refers to mountain pastures reclaimed from naturally forested areas.
Both the ALP and Mr Spencer's United Progressive Party (UPP) have had dealings with Sir Allen.
The Antigua Sun gave loyal coverage to the ALP and Mr Stanford made donations to its candidates.
Two years later, on the recommendation of the ALP, by then in opposition, Mr Stanford was knighted.
Whereas Mr Spencer and the UPP merely accommodated the country's biggest investor, the ALP had nurtured him.
Alp Mehmet, from Migration Watch, said the figures showed "how absolutely essential it is that we bring immigration under control".
Alp Mehmet, of Migration Watch UK, said its own research had estimated about 50, 000 a year would arrive.
U.S. plans to expand the ALP program to 45, 000 fighters from its present cap of 30, 000 were approved this year.
In addition, NCHD has also implemented a number of activities and programmes to consolidate the ALP and to promote lifelong learning.
His Heidiland includes a cable-car ride up a Heidi alp where tourists eat a Heidi meal before feeding the Heidi goats and meeting Heidi's grandfather.
Released as a free beta by the same company, this fan-shaped launcher offers a similar single-hand experience that the ALP device once promised to deliver.
"This tragic event has to encourage those who accuse and comment without proper judgment to exercise responsibility, " ALP said, adding that the doctor had left a suicide note.
Ski lifts operator Compagnie des Alpes' dependence on visitors from overseas is negligible, given that 95% of the skiers in the French, Italian and Swiss Alp resorts are European.
"Three years ago there was significant abuse from Brazilians who were coming here for short stays, or as visitors, and staying on, " Migration Watch vice-chairman Alp Mehmet told the BBC.
"We were compelled to do it because we were between a rock and a hard place, " explained Lutfullah Kamran, a 24-year-old computer-science graduate who is commander of the new Andar ALP.
Shortly before the affair broke, the prime minister, Baldwin Spencer, was bringing forward his plans for an election amid rumours that Mr Bird and his Antigua Labour Party (ALP) were seeking Sir Allen's financial help to make a comeback.
This is not only intended to identify and mobilise potential learners and teachers but also to ensure that the programme effectively addresses their particular needs as well as encouraging parents to enrol into the ALP and to support their children in school.