The Scottish government has already said it would like the minimum voting age to be 16.
BBC: Scottish independence: Teaching union backs votes at 16
The industry has already settled the thorniest issue: what type of connector to use.
It's already making the band nostalgic for the peace and quiet of last year.
Anglesey council said it supported the recommendations and that it was already making good progress.
Presidential hopefuls have already begun visiting the town: John McCain made a stop on March 17.
Microsoft is an oft-mentioned suitor for Nokia, but the two already have a tight licensing relationship.
But already Russia's outlying areas are running themselves with less and less say-so from the centre.
There has already been a lot of division within the Christian community over this election.
By bringing women into the job, you are bringing different skills and enhancing skills already there.
How hard will it be for people who are already sick to buy insurance?
The German government, a 31% stakeholder in the company, has already accepted his resignation.
After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.
The Hang Seng index of 33 blue-chip companies is already trading near its four-year lows.
As the blade slices, a blizzard of snow-white flakes floats onto an already headhigh mound.
It was already the smallest in terms of market-cap of the big Wall Street banks.
Another Morgan Stanley banker, Vikram Gandhi Vikram Gandhi , has already signed up with a rival.
She believes that most of the building blocks to form a new business already exist.
The company had already announced plans to treat Bayer CropScience as a separate unit.
He has already re-arranged the board and put in place new marketing and finance directors.
Some students already take GCSEs early, usually maths and maybe a language such as French.
She is someone whose work is already helping to tackle global issues facing global communities.
Sony's product is already on the market and Casio has released its new range.
Already reeling from the flu, I grew more nauseated as I sloshed in the wind-whipped waves.
Many communities, particularly in the Pacific, are already facing the first impacts of climate change.
He has already appointed former Labour Culture Secretary James Purnell as director of strategy and digital.
This private tour was my idea, and the kids had already objected to it earlier.
The project has already seen great success since it launched, with rooms booking up quickly.
Twenty Russian wardens already patrol the rivers, some armed with Kalashnikovs to discourage poachers.
Both units are already being marketed to potential buyers, including some private equity firms.
There is one highly visible labor leader who has already espoused much of this vision.