It was only discovered later that he was already dead before the blaze had been lit.
Most bacteria opt for an easy life breaking down organic material that is already dead.
If he hadn't already -- I understand right now that he was probably already dead before yesterday.
Or more precisely the fad that is already dead, but still keeps coming.
Bungay town councillor Deirdre Shepherd said the birds had been "dumped" without food or shelter and two were already dead.
Some feared that an already dead rubber would be even more routine with the absence of the injured Chris Gayle.
One person was pulled alive but injured after the first avalanche while three others were already dead when found by rescuers.
The inquest heard there were no witnesses and passers-by stopped to help and give first aid but realised he was already dead.
BBC: PC Andrew Bramma death: 'Error of judgement' led to crash
Some estimates have suggested 20 percent of the world's coral reefs are already dead and an additional 24 percent are gravely threatened.
The students found a poisonous snake once, but it was already dead.
The prosecutor said it was likely that she was already dead.
The French Chief of Defence Staff, Adm Edouard Guillaud, told French radio that he believed Mr Allex was already dead and accused al-Shabab of "media manipulation".
BBC: Somalia's al-Shabab 'to kill' French hostage Denis Allex
As a spy for the French Resistance, he survived the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald by assuming the identity of a French prisoner who was already dead.
Waseem Khawaja, a spokesman for the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital in Islamabad, told reporters that Mr. Zulfikar was already dead when he arrived at the hospital.
As the opera opens, Elektra's father, King Agamemnon, is already dead, and the score begins with a powerful, four note theme to which Elektra later sings his name.
Already dead, he was in no position to defend himself.
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In an intriguing tip of the hat to a tradition on its way out, if not already dead and buried, the fiery nobleman Adriano is written for a woman.
Daniel Sturridge could have had a hatful but had to settle for two against a West Ham side who only woke up once the game was already dead and buried.
Julius looks like a happy child, but the family snapshots of picnics and parties include many loved ones who are already dead - his father Patric, his young cousin Brenda, his aunt Betty.
By the time help made it to the scene, past downed trees and power lines, a 2-year-old boy was already dead, said Larry Ragonese, a spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Ingrid Loyau-Kennett got off a bus and tried to reason with the two attackers after she tried to help the man lying on the street but found he had no pulse and was already dead.
Legislatively, Cap and Trade is already dead.
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He was already in a dead heat with Weldon, according to an independent poll.
Half-dead already, his cancer comes as a sort of salvation, a chance at a new life even if it is a brief one.
Baby Peter's father was "frantic with worry" and when he arrived at the hospital he was told his son had already been declared dead.