Still, the decision took the focus off economic growth while also opening up Democrats to the charge they were pumping up the size of government at the wrong time.
The key differentiators for ShareDesk are that it enables bookers to choose the duration of their rental and also enables spaces to charge for desks, instead of offering them up for free.
Kearney was also showing a fine turn of pace and his initial charge in the 22nd minute set up a try-scoring chance for O'Driscoll but the Lions star knocked on with the line gaping.
There are also examples of the work Muybridge did up and down the Pacific coast for the national body in charge of lighthouses, including a sequence of unusual large-format seascapes completed in the 1870s, at precisely the time that Thomas Stevenson (father of Robert Louis) was designing his lighthouses around the coasts of Scotland.
That drives up rights fees, but also makes the programming more appealing to advertisers and allows ESPN to try to charge more from cable and satellite operators.
Its Tmall business-to-consumer service, where they can chargeup to 15% take-rates for certain products in certain prime locations on the website is also a growing force.