In recent public appearances President Bush and Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney have sensibly argued that the political situation in the Soviet Union is so dynamic and the military capabilities of the USSR still so formidable that the United States must resist the temptation to alter radically the U.S. defense posture.
With no leader vowing to alter course radically, the theme in 2012 will be muddling through, rather than a bold, competitiveness-raising reform of the welfare state and labour market that the country still sorely needs.
This trend toward individual responsibility for one's retirement will radically alter Germany's financial-services business.
TiVo offers the ability to radically alter an experience that people already enjoy: watching television.
They want to hear how the cloud can improve the way they work today, not radically alter it.
All of which means someone is going to have to pay unless companies radically alter their working practices.
BBC: Is 'lane rental' the way to solve congestion in London?
By doing that, the plug-in hybrid has the potential to radically alter the energy equation that currently favors gasoline.
" Premium support's "cumulative effect is intended to alter the system radically, but gradually and voluntarily, in the long run.
WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform
In 2005, he produced a 25-page secret memorandum that would radically alter the immigration debate to distort public perception of the issue.
Little wonder then that it is being dubbed a milestone that could radically alter the way politics is done here in future.
What I plan to do in the next 45 minutes is radically alter the way all of you think about the concept of investing.
Instead, as the current budget fight is coming to a head, Republican budget guru Rep. Paul Ryan unveiled a plan to radically alter both Medicare and Medicaid.
Forcing the major U.S. banks to radically alter their pay practices could cause an exodus to the foreign and boutique firms, putting additional pressure on banks when the government's interest is to see them survive.
In addition to tax cuts, a number of Republicans, including House Majority Leader Dick Armey and 1996 presidential candidate Steve Forbes, have also proposed so-called "flat tax" plans that would radically alter the income tax system.
CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton Adviser: No Major Tax Cut In 1998
The editorial is most innovative and provocative in its proposal for meeting these urgent challenges, and overcoming the weakness of the current government, which is to radically alter the political structure to great a supra-party, supra-faction emergency coalition government.
Deputy PM Nick Clegg, whose Liberal Democrats are the most pro-European of the three biggest UK parties, has said the eurozone crisis should not be used as a justification to radically alter the UK's relationship with the European Union.
So, while - to borrow some words of wisdom from WPP's Martin Sorrell - "we don't know the answer" to how exactly the small screen revolution will change advertising, mobile probably won't radically alter the size of the industry.
If enacted in its present form, however, SEED II bill will radically alter a host of current congressional restrictions guiding U.S. foreign policy and provide dangerous precedents that could seriously jeopardize any future loan repayments to American taxpayers by foreign governments.
Our Alternative "NSR" provides considerable evidence that the Gorbachev program does not, in fact, represent a commitment to the kind of fundamental transformation of the Soviet system that would radically alter the character of the threat it continues to pose to the West.
Telecom commissioner Viviane Reding, who has so far been one of the lesser known EU commissioners, is set to rise in prominence when she sets forth a plan in early November that would radically alter the way that telecom companies are regulated across the continent.
But as technology moves outside the paradigm of its vertical category, and becomes an enabling layer across all sectors, industries, and empowers businesses large and small to better reach, understand, serve, segment, and solve problems for their customers, the opportunity for technology businesses to radically alter incumbent categories is unparalleled.