In my alternately formed body, I have learned lessons about patience, determination, frustration and success.
Alternately, the NUC Ethernet provides two HDMI ports and, you guessed it, a gigabit Ethernet port.
ENGADGET: Intel NUC review: a little desktop PC that holds big promise
Alternately thundering and whispering from the podium, he wove together biblical, historical and apocalyptic themes.
The best way to understand the institutions is as free-enterprise champions, or alternately, people who hate initiative-coercion.
The interview shows Jobs as alternately witty, charming, cranky and bitter toward those he believed crossed him.
See how the data answers those questions via this video, or, alternately, in the paragraph following the clip.
FORBES: Collaborative Consumption: Should Marketers Be Afraid?
And it is alternately hopeful and anxious about what its big neighbor will be like when that happens.
My guide sat close by, making alternately squawking and warbling turkey calls to lure the hardy birds ever closer.
He was a thorn in their side, alternately sarcastic and sulky at meetings.
Meanwhile transitional generations like ours are alternately hand waving and grumpy about it.
Alternately, you can look at earning money from a hobby or talent.
FORBES: Holiday Saving Tips: How To Grow Your Christmas Nest Egg
He staged the incident by alternately throwing rocks, filming, and directing his fellow attackers where to throw their rocks.
Thin walnut slats are cut alternately with and against the grain and glued together to give both flexibility and strength.
Alternately, the U.S. could adopt the West German system of giving shareholders a credit for corporate taxes paid on dividends.
Alternately, you can see whether, as Google claims, the merging of information across different accounts improves their offerings to you.
FORBES: Google Users, You Have A 'Brutal' Choice To Make This Week
Alternately, contestants may pen their own epic or post a video explaining what they would do to earn the perfect proposal.
While she and her husband of 28 years were alternately attending graduate school and later working internationally, they raised four kids.
FORBES: CEO Series: SugarSync CEO Offers Three Tips for 'Having It All'
Alternately, you can also search for restaurants your friends have visited, which turns up locations they have checked into using Facebook.
The conditions were abysmal, as they often are for opening acts: the houselights were up, the crowd was alternately inattentive and hostile.
Unfortunately, all signs are that POTUS will once again delivery a laundry-list SOTU, leaving the larger TV audience alternately bored and mystified.
FORBES: What Should President Obama Say During His State Of The Union Address?
Scripted by Calder Willingham from his 1972 novel, this piece of screwball Americana pokes along with an alternately prickly and tender charm.
Alternately, the researchers suggest that Skype change its policy so that IP addresses are not revealed until a call is actually accepted.
FORBES: Freaky Privacy News Of The Week (And What You Can Do To Protect Yourself)
People traveled waters alternately treacherous and lazy on all sorts of flatboats, dodging snags and pirates amidst a sea of river traffic.
All morning I sit on deck, leaning back against the mast, alternately gazing at the islands ahead and reading from The Travels of Marco Polo.
Alternately, you can do the same thing via a Bluetooth-ready mobile phone.
Alternately, if you purchase organic meats or those raised without antibiotics, bacteria has not had the exposure to the drugs to develop resistance.
FORBES: Are You Eating 'Superbugs?' Resistant Bacteria Found At Alarming Rates On Meat In Stores
Like an innovative painter who alternately courts and scorns the establishment, Lanier often seems torn between embracing and repudiating his newly influential status.
While "Bye" aimed to show Ms. Guillem alternately on screen and back on stage again, few of the effects were timed with precision.
WSJ: Sylvie Guillem | Leaving Ballet Behind | Dance Review by
This alternately bucolic and brooding landscape inspired painters not just to depict the actual topography but often to clothe it in Byronic atmosphere.
WSJ: River Romantics | The Panoramic River | Hudson River Museum | By Barrymore Laurence Scherer
Jameson, 36, was captured by cameras alternately saying Ortiz was "the sweetest, most amazing man" and later saying that he had beaten her.