High crude oil prices also put a floor under alternative energy sources and their producers.
Alternative energy sources, on the other hand, were not a major focus of the legislation.
As the price of oil rises, people begin looking at alternative energy sources of all kinds.
FORBES: What the Price of Oil Means for Solar Power and Electric Vehicles
Semiconductor technology will also play a key role in the development of economically viable alternative energy sources.
By the year 2020, the Navy wants half of its fuel to come from alternative energy sources.
FORBES: The U.S. Navy: Defending Our Freedom And ... Building Our Refineries
Homes powered by alternative energy sources tend to be high-end since the technologies are typically quite expensive.
As the era of cheap fossil fuels winds down, governments and entrepreneurs alike are searching for alternative energy sources.
Out of this account he proposes to subsidize research on alternative energy sources.
There are no long-range initiatives that address alternative energy sources like nuclear power.
But we have to look at new, alternative energy sources of the future.
Alternative energy sources typically receive overt government subsidies of various kinds, something that has become a point of contention recently.
And like other alternative energy sources, power from osmosis isn't exactly cheap.
The Department for the Environment has suggested a long-term plan involving alternative energy sources, such as wind and tidal, and reducing waste.
The compromise would include new domestic drilling to satisfy Republicans and promote conservation and alternative energy sources to satisfy Democrats, lawmakers said.
CNN: 'Two oil men' to blame for high gas prices, Pelosi says
It includes investing in alternative energy sources -- renewables, wind, solar, biofuels.
Nuclear power has grown faster over the past three decades than renewable alternative energy sources, such as solar, wave, wind and geothermal power.
These are companies who see this as part--a business case for combatting climate change and for participating and finding other alternative energy sources.
The compromise would include new domestic drilling to satisfy Republicans and promote conservation and alternative energy sources to satisfy Democrats, several lawmakers said.
Khosla is cochairing a California ballot measure to tax oil production in the state and use the proceeds to develop alternative energy sources.
China has become increasingly aggressive as of late in pursuing alternative energy sources, driven by commodity prices as well as concerns over air pollution.
FORBES: China More Than Doubles Its Solar Power Goal For 2020
The initiative -- which links the government with nongovernmental organizations and financial institutions -- harnesses financing, alternative energy sources, entrepreneurship and training into income-generating activities.
While it does, alternative energy sources will look more affordable and investors will be willing to stump up the cash to develop the technologies involved.
One bane for those investing in alternative energy sources is that tax credits aren't set for long enough periods of time to make long-term planning possible.
Although denying any pressure on Sofia to abandon Belene, Washington is lobbying for Bulgaria to resume the search for alternative energy sources, such as shale gas.
But unlike other alternative energy sources, such as sun or wind power, there's nothing fickle about the availability of the key raw ingredients--fresh water and sea water.
Alternative energy sources will become much more popular as countries are forced to move to a sustainable energy supply and as fossil fuels simply become too expensive.
China and other energy hungry countries have been on the hunt for alternative energy sources, to move away from being heavily reliant on coal and fossil fuels.
BBC: China firms to invest $2bn exploring shale gas reserves
New technology, avidly sought today, could well spur any number of alternative energy sources: oil sands, oil shale, natural gas converted to liquid, coal converted to liquid, etc.
There were all those oil producers with an embarrassment of profits and a desperate need to look as if all they cared about was finding alternative energy sources.
The former president also favors government spending, on infrastructure, student loans, job training, manufacturing, broadband, high-speed rail, and development of alternative energy sources like biofuel, solar and wind.