Even pieces of paper stuck to a wall were backed with aluminium foil.
BBC: A look at the fantastic sets of Mr Fox
He argues that Reynolds's strengths, such as its aluminium foil business, make a poor fit with Alcoa, which has no consumer brands itself.
ECONOMIST: Aluminium
Otherwise several devices of a Heath Robinson nature are suggested boards to deflect the trajectory of urine and droppings, flashing lights, ultra-sound, unpleasant smells, stuffed owls, rustling aluminium foil and helium-filled balloons.
ECONOMIST: Bat raves
Frank Gehry, a godfather of contemporary American design if there is one, is shown crumpling paper or aluminium foil into a form, and then scanning the shape by computer in order to reduce it to two dimensions or make it into a model, so that a design can be refined or manufactured.
ECONOMIST: American blobjectivity | The