The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva) said the London venue attracted 5.6 million visitors.
Mr Donoghue insisted that Alva viewed the Olympic period as a short-term loss for long-term gain.
Alva said visitor numbers to garden and leisure sites in London were down by 21% over the summer.
The Alva-based company has doubled in size in the Borders since July 2009.
Alva's 43 members manage nearly 2, 000 tourist sites which attract over 100 million domestic and overseas visitors each year.
Alva-based Omega said the product had been specifically adapted for the Indian market.
Visitors were briefly deterred from central London during the games, but Alva director Bernard Donohue called the recovery "almost immediate".
But the local races could make or break some candidacies, says Maria D'Alva Kinzo, a political scientist at Sao Paulo University.
Data from the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva) also suggests the Olympics had a negative impact on visitor numbers in London.
In 1580, Spanish forces under the Duke of Alva defeated the Portuguese at the Battle of Alcantara, securing Portugal as a Spanish realm.
Who, for example, can name the inventor of the hair-dryer (Chester Beach), the electric washing machine (Alva Fisher) or the ice lolly (Frank Epperson)?
Alva chief executive Bernard Donoghue branded the figures "sobering reading".
"For London attractions, the Olympic period was one of their worst trading periods in living memory and for visitor attractions, the summer is their equivalent of retailers' Christmas, " said Alva chief executive Bernard Donoghue.
On Tuesday, the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva) said that the wet summer and Olympics had meant that some London attractions had hosted 60% fewer visitors than usual during the two-week period of the Games.
Philosopher Alva Noe wrote in The New York Times last year that this branch of science has not produced any interesting or surprising insights, and that perhaps it won't because of the very nature of art itself -- how can anyone ever say definitively what it is?