An obscure provision in the NHL's labor agreement allows its franchises to replace an injured player on its roster by offering a 24-hour tryout to an amateurplayer.
The self-described music lover and amateur keyboard player who was once "absolutely terrorized" by a harmony professor at Juilliard's evening division announced the donation at a news conference Tuesday, two days after his 61st birthday.
Joining Dredge as a debutant in the event will be England's Kenneth Ferrie, thanks to his sixth place finish at the US Open, and Scot Richie Ramsay, the first British player to win the US Amateur since 1911.
Pachter believes that if copyright and amateur rules were changed, the inclusion of player likenesses and names could result in higher sales for all college video games.
The following year he became the youngest player to appear at the U.S. Amateur, which then -- like its British counterpart -- was one of golf's four major tournaments.