Ambivalence about the agreement may be the most debilitating factor in the Trimble campaign.
Egalitarian Iceland still had deep ambivalence about capitalism, but making a pile of money abroad was okay.
It is also Europeans' continued ambivalence about the whole idea of exercising power on the world stage.
That reflects reduced aid for family planning in the past 15 years and political ambivalence about cutting fertility in Africa itself.
The public praise also insured that he kept to himself his ambivalence about the way Lish had edited some of the stories.
David: There is a real sense of ambivalence about CSR right now.
EU's ambitions to carry more weight in the world, and George Bush's ambivalence about abroad, help Europe and America pull together, or pull apart?
But there was some ambivalence about the advances made by science, with fears that scientists were "interfering" with nature and creating weapons of mass destruction.
Customer Silvio Ariano(ph) also revealed a deep ambivalence about the boycott.
And some even expressed ambivalence about the science of climate change.
President Obama has also struggled with the complexity of the reform proposals and demonstrated the same kind of ambivalence about taking his plan to the voters.
Whether his finely crafted electoral machine can overcome Americans' ambivalence about their president and withstand the advertising bludgeoning Mr Obama is about to receive is another question.
Taken as a whole, the results show plenty of ambivalence about the complexities and possible outcomes of the different proposals that have been included and excluded from the Senate and House bills.
But just who did what in the Resistance has frequently been a source of heated debate in France where there's been much agonizing about collaboration with the Nazis and ambivalence about the Resistance.
More boldly, the report and Mr Obama's speech suggest that the president has set aside his ambivalence about free trade and may soon take up stalled free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.
There was some ambivalence about how long Isaf forces should remain in the country - 22% said they should leave within the next 18 months, and 21% said they should stay longer than 18 months from now.
Europeans have a "deep ambivalence" about capitalism, he says, lamenting a "vicious cycle" of protectionism and government meddling.
Perhaps God's ambivalence springs from uncertainty about whose side He is on.
ECONOMIST: The traditional census is dying, and a good thing too
She writes, often quite movingly, of the persistent ambivalence of her feelings about her natal faith, but any strayed member of a tight community of believers feels this way about it.
In the end, Quebeckers may once again choose to be led by Mr Bouchard simply because his ambivalence best reflects their own feelings about independence.
Resnick conceded during cross-examination that Yates expressed some ambivalence on the day after the killing about what she had done, as evidenced by her doubts to a therapist over whether her children had made it to heaven.
CNN: Andrea Yates case: Expert: Mom believed she was battling Satan