In January 1996 Robert Amen, now NOW president of International Paper in Stamford, Conn.
Are you a golf fan that has always dreamed of playing Amen Corner at Augusta National?
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Got an amen over here. (Laughter.) You've heard, now, Governor Romney's sales pitch.
When the verdict was read out in Angleton, Texas, Mrs Ernst wept and her lawyer, Mark Lanier shouted "Amen".
I'm going to take Juan on the road to introduce me everywhere. (Laughter.) Can I hear an "amen"?
Here, it was a church of lintheads, pulpwooders and sharecroppers, shoutin' people, who said amen like they were throwing a mule shoe.
After two months I felt more alert, and revisiting Amen I could see small changes in the appearance of my re-scanned brain.
Casey's parental fears remain as universal and timeless as parenthood itself, so if it takes eight years to get the message across, amen.
No one can blame Augusta National for wanting to discourage Masters muscle shirts, Amen Corner whiskey or other products not up to its standards.
"Please please God heal Kobe as fast as you can and see him through this injury, amen, " fan Coo Chee Rodriguez wrote on the site.
He is joined by an amen chorus of analysts representing the investment banks that took PeoplePC public, all of whom issued "buy" ratings Sept. 11.
Neither will you find Green Jacket, Amen Corner, Crow's Nest, Augusta National Golf Club or usually even Augusta, the public-domain city in Georgia where the tournament takes place.
But I will offer a loud "amen" to my readers' complaints about the new supplemental cursor keys (the grouped arrow keys and the grouped home, end, and page-up keys).
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Amazingly, its first single is even older than that: It's a peppier re-working of Amen (So Be It)'s "Fear, " an earnest examination of the dangerous world Casey's daughter will inherit.
South African legend Gary Player, making his last visit to the Masters at age 73, far from disgraced himself as he went round Amen Corner in level par on the way to a 78.
And there are schools throughout the country that desperately need renovating. (Applause.) We cannot -- got an "Amen" over there. (Laughter and applause.) We can't expect our kids to do their best in places that are literally falling apart.
With the ECB determined to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro and the Fed promising to buy securities in the open market until the cows come how, world without end, Amen, then that chips some of the downside risk.
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Like Hansard, Paddy Casey has gone platinum many times over in Ireland, but he hasn't had as many opportunities to find traction here: Amen (So Be It) received a major-label release in 2000 before becoming a find in 99-cent bins from coast to coast, and that's about it.