Pro-life groups have eagerly embraced an amendment that pro-choice supporters of health care have viscerally deplored.
The Stupak-Pitts Amendment blocks abortion coverage for women who purchase subsidized insurance on the public exchange.
McRae and the Stupak Amendment is to get out of the health care business altogether.
McRae, a very different Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment by a slim five-to-four vote.
Like it or not, the Stupak-Pitts amendment makes no effort to upset the status quo under Harris.
His government prepared for negotiations by pushing through a constitutional amendment setting out a legal framework for peace.
ECONOMIST: This time negotiations might eventually bring peace
Obama said Wednesday he believes the Second Amendment does guarantee individuals the right to bear arms.
CNN: Obama: Proposals to address gun violence due by January
The Danbury Baptists wrote to him congratulating his election and objecting to the First Amendment.
FORBES: Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States
The First Amendment was an insightful compromise between church and state, federal and local authorities.
FORBES: Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States
Now, it is certainly the case that every senator should have read this amendment.
Bopp wanted to argue that the McCain-Feingold ban on issue advertisements violated the First Amendment.
The amendment required 60 votes to pass but fell short in a 54-45 vote.
The Court said that, under the First Amendment, Congress could not restrict campaign expenditures.
It included legal citations to back up our claim that the suspension violated the First Amendment.
And watch out for the amendment to bring caste within the scope of equality legislation.
Cardiff North MP Jonathan Evans previously said he will probably vote against the amendment.
BBC: Vale of Glamorgan MP Alun Cairns joins Europe vote 'rebels'
And supporters of bans on "hate speech" invoke international norms to defeat First Amendment objections.
WSJ: John Bolton and John Yoo: Obama's U.N. Backdoor Route to Gun Control
With the amendment in parchment in 1913, Congress made good on the new power.
FORBES: Romney's 47% Has a Venerable Legacy in the 1913 Origins of the Income Tax
The 19th Amendment forbids discrimination against any voter on the basis of sex.
It shouldn't need to be said: Even the tea party deserves First Amendment protection.
And now in 2008, both Democrats are careful to voice support for the Second Amendment.
It claimed that the university's requirement to read the book violated their First Amendment rights.
More than 150 congressmen and President Barack Obama say they would support an amendment.
Byron Dorgan of North Dakota successfully proposed an amendment to weaken the guest workers provision.
For his part, Leahy has said that he doesn't think his amendment will kill the bill.
Leahy can follow through by introducing the amendment, either in committee or on the Senate floor.
Ted Cruz of Texas, who has proposed an amendment that dismantles the pathway to U.S. citizenship.
The gun lock amendment, sponsored by Hatch and Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin), was approved Wednesday 78-20.
Senators approved an amendment Tuesday that would require the sale of safety devices with handguns.
MSPs began decision time by voting on the motion and amendment from the Labour-led NHS debate.