For example, AmericanAssociationofRetiredPersons (AARP) Magazine often contains articles comparing and contrasting cities around the U.S. and their attractiveness to retirees.
Nevertheless Obama revisited the cap hike in September while addressing a forum sponsored by the AmericanAssociationofRetiredPersons, minus pesky details.
Personal finance issues were cited as the top concern among boomers in a national survey conducted for the AmericanAssociationofRetiredPersons by Princeton Survey Research Associates.
Wednesday morning, the bill could get another boost as the AARP--the organization formerly known as the AmericanAssociationofRetired Persons--has scheduled a press conference to support it.
Medicare is a government-run program, and services are bought on a contract basis by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the AmericanAssociationofRetiredPersons.
Over the coming years the campaign will work with academic institutions and such partners as the AmericanAssociationofRetiredPersons to conduct research on the beneficial effects of travel.