• He cited a recent meeting between government officials and representatives from the Inter-American Press Association.

    CNN: U.S. legislators threaten aid cut to Honduras over deaths

  • He was known for making controversial claims about drug trafficking in Romana in his programmes and magazine, according to the Inter American Press Association (IAPA).


  • In 1997 Ms. O'Grady won the Inter American Press Association's Daily Gleaner Award for editorial commentary, and in 1999 she received an honorable mention in IAPA's opinion award category.

    WSJ: Innocents Die in the Drug War

  • In a sign of just how complicated it will be, the official American Heart Association press release on the presentation today at the AHA meeting only stressed that rivaroxaban was comparable to warfarin, not superior.

    FORBES: JNJ's Solid Win

  • In press Journal of the American Water Works Association August 2003 issue.

    UNESCO: Publicaciones

  • Wednesday morning, the bill could get another boost as the AARP--the organization formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons--has scheduled a press conference to support it.

    FORBES: The Drug Industry Vs. John McCain

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