"I guess I thought of it as an American tragedy, " says Guralnick of how he approached the story.
And for towns like that, I would just to say it is an American tragedy that some of these towns for 20 years have been losing jobs.
In the statement he issued on April 24th, the day when the world's Armenians commemorate the tragedy, the American president tried to please everybody.
Together they symbolize a peculiarly American version of a Shakespearian tragedy.
The collapse of the American family is a national tragedy: around 20m children don't live with their fathers, 1m babies a year are born to unwed mothers, 500, 000 children are in foster care.
Those who attacked us sought to deprive our Nation of the very ideals for which we stand -- but in the aftermath of this tragedy, the American people kept alive the virtues and values that make us who we are and who we must always be.
What happened to the American Dream in the last decade is a tragedy of historic importance.
Across this country's history, the murder of an American ambassador, the nation's representative, has been taken as not merely a tragedy but an attack on U.S. interests that demands an official accounting to the American people.
The American people are demanding action as every poll since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School has indicated.
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There is an echo of Greek tragedy about the succession of blows striking a single American family.
The tragedy left BMW with two holes in its North American leadership team.
It is that tragedy in education that prompted Professor Richard Arum and the American Council of Trustees and Alumni to write to 10, 000 college and university trustees earlier this fall calling on them to act.
And as parents, all of us can take the time to hold our kids close and talk with them about the things that truly matter: our love for them, the importance of extending that love to those affected by this tragedy, and how that love truly defines our great American community.
There is no absence of tragedy in the demise of a fine daily newspaper in a great American city like New Orleans.
FORBES: How the Times-Picayune Got the Internet Right and Still Lost the Battle of New Orleans
Moved by that tragedy, Noh has spent much of her professional life studying depression and suicide among Asian-American women.
CNN: Push to achieve tied to suicide in Asian-American women
As a runner, a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter and an American, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those whose lives were affected by this terrible tragedy.
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