The 62-year-old politician could be Mr. Hollande's best chance to knit amiable relations with Chancellor Merkel.
The amiable Ms Ypsilanti, meanwhile, has begun to master policy and smarten up her speeches.
He said the Nottinghamshire MP is "very direct in his dealings and very amiable".
An amiable Mr Estrada would respond with shoot-from-the-hip answers, or what he considered humorous quips.
Mr Palocci is big, amiable, whiskered, and like Lula speaks with a disarming lisp.
Bhutanese archery is a highly sociable, often alcohol-fuelled affair with a hint of amiable danger thrown in.
An amiable, insubstantial amble around Galway, on the west coast of Ireland, in the company of Sgt.
Paintings of horses hang along the walls surrounding the room, where guests casually chat with amiable bartenders.
When that character is you, you are more likely to become amiable to its goals, dreams and demographics.
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He personified America's notion of itself as both good-hearted and tough-minded, wised-up and amiable at the same time.
Mr Khatami's own tactful and amiable style has protected him from the fierce assaults that assail his allies.
Just weeks earlier, the amiable Culloty won the Gold Cup aboard Best Mate.
In this amiable first-person comedy, Mike Birbiglia (as director, co-writer, and star) gives his endearing persona the hard sell.
What makes this case weird is that's cofounder, Jeffrey Parker, had a long and amiable relationship with Thomson.
Intelligent and amiable, he demonstrates a confident virtuosity beyond the average precocious proto-genius.
Mr Nonaka must be regretting that he manipulated events to put the amiable but disaster-prone Mr Mori in charge.
In any event, as things stand, the amiable but tired Mr Abbas may be around for quite a while yet.
ECONOMIST: The Palestinians look both divided and leaderless
Mr Weld, a capable and amiable Republican, seemed to be in with a good chance when President Clinton named him.
Mr Harford, who works at the Financial Times, is an amiable guide for the non-specialist reader, neither too lofty nor dumbed-down.
In the show, Griffith played the amiable sheriff of an small, idyllic town modeled on his own birthplace of Mount Airy.
In recent years his image as an amiable English farmer dressed in tweed has done little to help the company save face.
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The man at the amiable Mr Condit's side, labouring to get Boeing's head up again, is Harry Stonecipher, his chief operating officer.
Tatum makes for an alert and amiable straight man to Hill, whose neurotic minimalism gives the brightly colored, sour-ball antics an ethical edge.
But the energetic and amiable Coles sees himself with a fighting chance because his opponent, he says, is a divisive, out-of-touch, career politician.
Luckily, his amiable European director of communications DJ Collins intervened: "If I suggested we did something like that, I'd be fired, " he said.
Though he was amiable, bounding to greet visitors with a beefy handshake, he lacked the common touch, and often talked in economic jargon.
Her husband, Andy (Jim Broadbent), is an amiable dawdler, a guy who starts ambitious home-improvement projects and never quite gets around to finishing them.
That, too, ironically, is a fact that liberals ignored, caricaturing Reagan as an idiot, a simpleton, an "amiable dunce, " as Clark Clifford famously called him.
The 62-year-old politician who was a professor of German for 13 years could be Mr. Hollande's best chance to foster amiable relations with Ms. Merkel.
What is more, the post is vacant, and has been for six months after its previous holder, an amiable Finn, left for another EU institution.