However, the president was at pains to stress that he and Hack had parted ways amicably.
The partnership ended amicably this summer, much to the dismay of the fashion literati.
If the matter is not resolved amicably, the Gac can lodge a formal complaint in April.
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They traded amicably and there was plenty of room in North America for everyone.
Then the policemen who were chatting amicably with the demonstrators might have to arrest them.
Recently, the AIFF amicably negotiated an early termination of the existing commercial arrangement with Zee Telefilms Limited.
The Jackson family lawyer said last week that they were working to "privately and amicably resolve" the matter.
Last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Chinese and European authorities to resolve the matter amicably by holding talks.
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Episcopalians in Virginia would live amicably next to Catholics in Maryland, Quakers in Pennsylvania or Baptists in their midst.
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He "categorically" denied shooting Mrs Leggatt, who he said he had split from amicably and still considered a friend.
Yet while back-tax claims have wrecked Yukos, Sibneft seems to have settled a much smaller bill quietly and amicably.
"The less personal matters become, the more likely you will be able to get this situation resolved amicably, " Matuson says.
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But he denied being responsible for shooting Mrs Leggatt, who he said he had split from amicably and still considered a friend.
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After two years of dating, Ko and Hong ended the relationship amicably.
If not, I can explain to them that the situation is not working out and typically we can part ways amicably and simply.
On Monday, after meeting with lawyers, mediators, notaries, and psychologists all weekend, the pair walks away amicably, with divorce papers signed, for one flat fee.
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Of course, I appreciate the glowing comments, but I value most those who disagreed with my conclusions and interpretations and said so, firmly, but amicably.
At 30, she met and married a German doctor but left him, amicably she says, to become a Buddhist nun and pursue enlightenment in India.
Best Buy says the dispute was resolved amicably after the company offered to remove the logo from the priest's car and pay his legal fees.
Hence, in 1993, Czechs and Slovaks could amicably agree to divorce.
Last weekend, Mr Bush and Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart, agreed amicably enough to discuss both missile shields and cuts in their two countries' nuclear arsenals.
Dysfunctional boards almost always erupt into internecine warfare if nothing is done to allow the causes of dissension and disagreement to be addressed and, hopefully, amicably resolved.
The trend-setting region has been Nizhny Novgorod, where the International Finance Corporation, an arm of the World Bank, has been helping collective farms break up amicably and efficiently.
The baby's parents are amicably separated, the father's lawyer said.
For their part, the Montenegrins believe they can separate amicably.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4'sToday programme, the Prime Minister said that both Ministers made valid points, but it was a practical not an ideological issue that could be resolved amicably.
The fact that the network did shows that executives over there realize the importance of keeping up the appearance that everyone is in on the joke and that discussions are proceeding amicably.
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Mr Ashraf also promised that the forthcoming elections would be free and fair, and said he hoped the parties would reach consensus "amicably" on which of the rival candidates should head the caretaker cabinet.
"They are told to solve the problem amicably, to keep it a family issue and not cause embarrassment to themselves by bringing it to the police, " said Badreddine, who specializes in domestic violence cases.