An M60 machine-gun operator rests for a moment with his heavy load of ammunition.
"I have got, like, the best ammunition for the rest of her life, " Erica Nigrelli laughed.
In addition to tougher gun laws, an even more enlightened approach is to tax ammunition.
Authorities found an assault rifle, a handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in Smith's pickup.
He has pleaded not guilty to charges of illegally possessing the gun and ammunition.
Some of the ammunition had been supplied in advance by Mr Salmond's colleagues in Yes Scotland.
The father of Mr Guzman's third wife was reportedly detained with guns, ammunition and drugs.
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The artillery battery behind me, they don't shoot anymore because they have no ammunition.
Gun violence could be reduced by educating gun owners or by restricting the sale of ammunition.
At another shop, staff refused to sell him ammunition because his behaviour was so erratic.
Live ammunition will be used in certain exercises, on cleared ranges where it poses no risk.
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The pistol and ammunition were found by West Mercia Police at Nightingale's Hereford accommodation.
Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey to limit the number of rounds in ammunition magazines.
The pistol and ammunition were found by West Mercia Police at Sgt Nightingale's Hereford accommodation.
One fellow claimed a self-combusting laptop set off some ammunition and destroyed his pickup.
He provided some early ammunition for ridicule, as a Surrey supporter of Manchester United.
Connecticut would ban the sale or purchase of ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
He also faced charges of possession of firearms and ammunition with intent to endanger life.
In a compromise, legislators did not ban existing ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds.
When his ammunition was depleted, he engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat until he was killed.
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The officials were told the ammunition was explosive and could not be approached to within 100m.
He was wearing a robe, and had ammunition belts across his chest and a turban.
WHO's willingness to share costs gave Horton ammunition in selling the idea to his superiors.
Investigators found more than 1, 600 rounds of ammunition in the house, according to the documents.
Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, has announced plans to introduce legislation requiring background checks to purchase ammunition.
One Colorado-based manufacturer of ammunition magazines disclosed plans to relocate because of the new restrictions.
In order to re-supply ammunition, he sprinted across an open field to a wounded comrade.
The apparent discovery of Saudi ammunition in a Syrian mosque could attract unwelcome attention, he adds.
Shooters arrive with racks full of pistols, rifles and shotguns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
When it comes to economic policy, he has already used up most of his ammunition.