Among independents, 49% chose neither, and Democrats and Republicans split evenly at 25% each.
"It's offset by his strength among younger voters, among independents, among well-educated people, " he said.
If Obama's the alternative, McCain's support among independents drops from 52 percent to 36 percent.
Obama, with his base solidly on his side, is making policy with broad support among independents.
And, while he is losing support among independents, he is gaining a foothold among higher income voters.
He leads by three points among independents, but on the eve of his convention he led by 12.
He beat Mr McCain among independents (Mr McCain's supposed power-base) by eight points.
Gore has a strong lead over Bradley among the state's Democrats, but the two are running nose-to-nose among independents.
In Michigan, Mr McCain improved his standing among independents compared with South Carolina.
At any rate, negative views of Mr Romney have been on the increase for several months now among independents.
This included 76%-9% among Democrats, 47%-24% among independents, but only 15%-61% among Republicans.
Moreover Romney is well ahead among independents, which Obama carried four years before.
Among independents, the percentage in agreement rises to 66%, while 26% are opposed.
Exit polls showed that unlike other parts of the nation where Republicans won among independents, Buck trailed by two points.
McCain held an 11-point lead among independents, 45 to 34 percent, while Clinton edged him among women, 45 to 43 percent.
He readily acknowledges his position on Iraq cost him support among Independents and his position on immigration cost him with Republicans.
If accurate, this would be real trouble for Mr. Obama, since Mr. Romney has consistently led among independents in most October surveys.
"We haven't seen that big a vote for one party among independents since exit polling began about 30 years ago, " said Schneider.
Mr. Romney's largely negative campaign was able to demolish Mr. Gingrich, but it is also hurting his own favorability, especially among independents.
"Warren just needs to keep it close among independents, " Mr. Paleologos says.
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Obama overwhelmingly held a lead among independents and first-time voters, although the number of first-time primary goers was up only slightly from 2004.
The strongest trend in our politics is contempt for both parties that is greatest among independents, but also includes voters affiliated with both parties.
Partisans naturally see the other party as culprit, but among independents, 43% blame both parties and the rest split closely in faulting either Democrats or Republicans.
But in New York, the trend is accelerating among independents.
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Even more importantly, they won 12 of 14 among Independents.
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Mr. MARK BLUMENTHAL (Publisher, It's the change in the middle, the movement among independents, that's as much as responsible for this modest but critically important shift to McCain.
Mr McCain has demonstrated his strength among independents: he led the field among them by ten points in New York, 23 points in California and 31 points in Illinois.
To win 270 Electoral College votes, he will have to keep Republicans energized, increase his support among independents, seniors and the middle class, and make inroads among Hispanics and young voters.
But Senator John McCain also has support among independents.
As a political strategist, however, I find this new tactic reckless and dangerous for a political party that needs to broaden its base of support to win -- among independents, women and especially Latinos.