Many are cynical about this, and doubt the president's rhetoric will amount to much.
It does not seem to amount to much but it does mean that life is possible here.
Given the gravity of Japan's difficulties, the flurry of activity by the country's politicians doesn't amount to much.
Of course, China sales don't amount to much today - but that simply means more room to grow.
In actual fact, all of these points amount to much the same thing women's workout gear is still woefully inadequate.
WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: Will the Runway Ever Meet the Road?
But it didn't apparently amount to much, and so we see Hillary Clinton steaming back into her Senate seat pretty easily.
Should the United States indeed go that route, it will amount to much more than a strategically costly "do-over" of the INF fight.
In 1991, when it first launched Cerezyme for Gaucher disease, which afflicts a mere 6, 000 people worldwide, many thought sales wouldn't amount to much.
Most people wouldn't expect her to amount to much, as the child of a single mother, but it helps to show her the numbers.
But the two governments did not use this language, and no one else, including republicans, seems to think the council will amount to much.
Women's rights activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider said Monday that she was glad to hear bin Talal's comments, but she didn't think it would amount to much.
CNN: Billionaire Saudi prince tweets support for women driving
When it comes to deeds, Europe's contribution to reducing the threat from across what is still the world's most heavily armoured border does not amount to much.
At the same time, many prominent geneticists, including those who mapped the human genome, have publicly said that genetic differences, especially those that occur along racial lines, don't amount to much.
The Palestinians calculate that this would amount to much the same as the Israeli-proposed deal they refused at Camp David: a state in less than 90% of the West Bank, divided into two or three cantons.
CAFTA's proponents claim the increased quotas don't amount to much perhaps a tablespoon a week more per U.S. inhabitant but opponents say the deal sets a new and dangerous precedent for potential future deals with Brazil and other major sugar producers.
For top executives this payout can amount to as much as 90% of total compensation.
On closer examination it may amount to not much more than a currency move.
As bonuses can amount to as much as 90% of salary, many are ready to put up with a few months of sharp elbowing.
The bycatch, unwanted fish and other ocean life thrown back into the sea, can amount to as much as 90% of a trawl's total catch.
But the U.S. ambassador and European ambassadors were in attendance at Tuesday's ceremony, and analysts say they doubt the pre-election warnings will amount to very much.
Gross receipt royalties are prized because they come before the studio siphons off its "distribution fee, " which can amount to as much as a third of the gross.
Most investors are aware that Chinese income statistics are underestimated, but the exact amount is subject to much speculation.
"If a family begins putting away for their child's college tuition their freshman year in high school, they just need to understand that they'll have to invest a larger amount of money to get as much out as someone who started saving earlier, " he says.