The jury convicted Schultz, a decision that was upheld this year by an appellate court.
Kagan, at the age of forty-eight, had never argued a case before an appellate court.
The Supreme Court used to be not only an appellate court but also a trial court.
An appellate court ruled that the experts had to return to work and received some back pay.
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Despite the applause Judge Rakoff received, however, an appellate court rejected his decision in a preliminary ruling.
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The retrial is not expected until sometime early next year, to be heard in an appellate court in Florence.
Mr. Bloomberg, speaking at a news conference Monday evening, said he believed an appellate court would reinstate the ban.
No doubt an appellate court will be asked to reconcile these two positions.
The Nebraska Supreme Court overturned an appellate court decision that an order to file a joint return was valid.
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And just last month, as Adelman predicted, an appellate court ruled that the feds couldn't exact such a massive monetary penalty.
By entering guilty pleas, Manning loses his right to have an appellate court consider that ruling, if he chooses to appeal.
If the acquittal is overturned, the case will go back to an appellate court and Knox might have to return to Italy.
Mr.Yerushalmi's and the Law Center's petition is the first to reach the U.S. Supreme Court following a decision by an appellate court.
The jury awarded Wollersheim thirty million dollars. (Eventually, an appellate court reduced the judgment to two and a half million.) The secret O.
An appellate court upheld this provision in February 2007, and in April the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to that ruling.
Congress has been wary of giving witnesses immunity ever since an appellate court in 1990 threw out the conviction of Oliver North in the Iran-contra scandal.
Earlier in 2005, an appellate court ruled Simmons and Chavis had failed to disclose how much they spent on a 2003 rally against the drug laws.
But arguably the greater grab for extralegal power was the president's 2012 "recess" appointments overturned by an appellate court to the National Labor Relations Board and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
An appellate court didn't think so, and in July it threw out the award, ruling that the spread was a protected combination of fashion photography, humor and editorial comment.
As a punitive sanction, an appellate court ruled the girl cannot testify unless she shows her records to, at the very least, Racine Circuit Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz for a closed-door review.
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Whether Appellants would be better off financially keeping the proceeds of the settlement rather than rescinding and proceeding with their lawsuit against Facebook is a personal judgment for them not an appellate court to make.
In a decision that could have far-reaching implications in the realm of intellectual property, the justices on Monday unanimously overturned an appellate court's decision, ruling that the test for determining whether an invention is "obvious"--and thus not patentable--is too rigid.
Today, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a petition for a writ of certiorari in the United States Supreme Court, asking the Court to review an appellate court decision which held that a federal taxpayer lacked "standing" to challenge the constitutionality of the federal government's use of taxpayer funds to support sharia.
Finally, in the next sentence of her speech, Sotomayor went on to specify that she was addressing the dynamics of an appellate court with multiple judges (such as the three-judge and en banc panels on which she sits as an appeals court judge and the Supreme Court), rather than talking about a trial court context in which a single judge presides.
It is harder to predict the outcome of demands that an heir marry within a certain faith: An Ohio court validated such a provision in 1974, but an Illinois appellate court struck down another in 2008 (on public-policy grounds) and the state's Supreme Court sidestepped the issue.
This past April, an Illinois appellate court ruled that prosecutors may use potentially incriminating statements made by Savio and Drew Peterson's still-missing-wife Stacy against him, a key development in the case.
Entitled S hariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases , the report is a microcosm of U.S. jurisprudence.