He was the first man in my life to buy me an article of clothing.
It is an article of faith among regulators that sunlight is the best disinfectant.
But once a concept becomes an article of faith, important questions and consequences tend to go overlooked.
There is an article of faith in Silicon Valley: Experiment often, fail fast.
In sports it's an article of faith that somebody paints a better Sistine Chapel ceiling about every other weekend.
For decades, it has been an article of faith for parents of young pitchers: Do not let them throw curveballs.
Hostility to such hypothecation remains an article of faith in the Treasury, despite recent breaches such as the landfill tax.
It's an article of faith in Italy, despite repeated denials, that the Vatican knows more than it has let on.
The striving of his successors to emulate him in authority could only be emulation, and not an article of faith for posterity.
For almost all EU countries, European integration is an article of faith.
Even the much-maligned figure of rational economic man, maximising his utility, is less an article of faith than an excuse to use calculus.
Capital controls are now in place in Cyprus, anathema in a region in which free movement of capital has been an article of faith.
Such sentiment has been an article of faith in recent years.
Even the grey lady is bestirring herself: the New York Times this week ran an article of nearly 8, 000 words on Mr Emanuel and his woes.
His choice marks him as an apologist for the model itself, and makes his belief in growth (apparently based on sound arguments) something of an article of faith.
It is an article of faith of one side of tax politics that further rewards for those lucky enough to have taxable capital gains are an incentive to invest.
It's an article of faith among French winemakers that the composition of the soil and its mineral components are the most important determinants of the character of the resulting wine.
WSJ: Is a Bottle of P��trus Really Worth Thousands? | On Wine by Jay McInerney
Finally, the belief that the United States did not need to plan for a conflict with a peer competitor has been an article of faith for most of the past 20 years.
It is an article of faith among some Democrats that liberals give money to politicians for altruistic reasons, whereas Republicans make campaign contributions as self-serving investments, in order to protect future profits.
It is an article of faith at the White House and among some congressional Republicans that while individual tax reform may be off the table this year, corporate reform remains a reachable goal.
From a point of view of anybody I think reading an article of what has been working, and frankly what could use more turbo-charging, in my opinion, Ex-Im Banklending has been extremely successful.
FORBES: Intermarine Executives Discuss Ship Financing, Piracy, and Global Maritime Trade
Some of our Republican colleagues have made much of the fact that some of the Democrats on this committee in 1974, voted in favor of an article of impeachment relating to President Nixon's alleged perjury on his tax returns.
Steven Schwankert, a good friend whose mother is a fellow Pittsburgh Steeler fan, and a veteran Beijing based writer and editor, addressed this question in in an article of the same name in the most recent edition of The Beijinger.
So, while you may think catwalk trends don't apply to you, at some point this year you will almost certainly come into contact with an article of clothing that has been influenced directly or indirectly by what came down the runways for spring 2013.
Most countries would still be happy with such a figure, but it has become an article of faith in China that output needs to grow by at least 8% a year to create enough jobs for the millions of rural Chinese moving to cities.
It is true that the committee rejected an Article of Impeachment based on tax fraud against President Nixon, but it is equally clear that the overwhelming majority of the members of the committee who expressed an opinion on that subject said that they were voting against that article because there was insufficient evidence to support tax fraud.
Now, under an obscure article of the Lisbon treaty, it is being revived in the European Parliament.
ECONOMIST: Northern Cyprus's new president: Enter Eroglu | The
"Nature rebels, " is the catchy headline of an article outlining the views of the Piemonte region's veterinary services chief, Mario Valpreda.