Since 1946, bear markets had an average duration of 16 months with an average cumulative loss of 32%.
FORBES: Tilt Odds In Your Favor With Stocks, Get Rich Slowly But Surely
Some 65% of car-purchases are paid for in instalments, over an average of 42 months.
Latest figures show children are left in care for an average of 21 months before being adopted.
CMOs of top technology brands log an average of 60 months, while financial-services CMOs stick around about 54 months.
Patients with this "bad" gene signature survived for an average of nine months compared with 21 months for those without it.
In 1992, fifty-seven prisoners of war, released after an average of six months in detention camps in the former Yugoslavia, were examined using EEG-like tests.
FORBES: Too much privacy: Solitary confinement in U.S. prisons
And now, the drug, in combination with the chemotherapy Taxol, allows patients with early-stage breast cancer an average of four months without their disease progressing.
Researchers found pupils aged six to seven began the tuition scheme with numeracy skills an average of 13 months behind the average for their age.
Before this last recession, since the Great Depression recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months.
Figures from Hampshire Police show the force took an average of five months to process applications last year and there was a backlog of 13, 000 licences.
And last, it wants to roll up all the separate appeals procedures into a single one-stop appeal, to be resolved in an average of four months.
Next, it is setting up a new Asylum Services Directorate, with the target of making initial decisions on asylum applications in an average of two months.
Minority governments in Canada last an average of 18 months.
In the fourth quarter, the aircraft maker and defense company delivered 23 Dreamliners, well above the 12 it produced, taking an average of nine months to deliver the planes.
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While most of the uninsured are between jobs--with the gap lasting an average of seven months--these still-too-high numbers underscore the need for fundamental changes in the way health insurance is provided.
As I have previously recounted here, before this latest spooky downturn, since the Great Depression recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously at 16 months.
It shows that before this last recession, downturns in America since the Great Depression almost 75 years ago have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months.
The twins in the Minnesota study had an average of five months together before they were separated, and nearly two years together after their reunion before Mr Bouchard got hold of them.
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It found that the average waiting time for an operation, once a patient had been assessed by a consultant, remained unchanged at an average of eight months, compared with the NHS maximum target of 12 months.
Those stocks specifically identified by me had an average gain of nearly 20% over an average holding period of just 11 months.
Fidelity Puritan has an average holding period of about eight months, according to Morningstar, and Fidelity Dividend Growth has an average holding period of a year and a half.
To make matters worse, the average university course lasts six years and four months, compared with an OECD average of four years and four months, according to Mr Beyer.
They fall behind by an average of over two months in their reading.
ECONOMIST: Children are exceptions to the country��s work ethic
According to Pew, prisoners released in 2009 served an average of nine additional months in custody, or 36% longer, than offenders released in 1990.
Seasonally adjusted, 12 percent of the owners added an average of 3.1 workers per firm over the past few months, but 11 percent reduced employment an average of 3.9 workers per firm, the NFIB said.
Eleven percent of owners added an average 3 workers per firm over the past several months, but a similar percentage reduced employment by an average of 2.9 workers per firm, the NFIB said.
At the same conference Sugen was to present a smaller study indicating that SU5416 with chemo halted the growth of tumors in patients with advanced colon cancer for an average of at least nine months.
Late in the trading day on Monday, March 14, Genentech shares were up 25% on volume more than triple its average for the past three months on news that data from a trial showed its cancer drug Avastin, approved to treat colorectal cancer since last year, extended lives of some patients with non-small-cell lung cancer an average of 2.3 months.
As on March 31, Singapore Airlines had a fleet of 101 passenger jets with an average age of six years and eight months, the airline said.