"There's a lot of heat in an election campaign but we move on, " he said.
Often the most useful money is spent before an election campaign is formally declared.
Mr Putin was studiously vague about policy during what passed for an election campaign.
In Italy, now in the final days of an election campaign, industrial output fell 6.7% last year.
And in an election campaign, broadcasts, postage and meeting halls are available to parties free of charge.
Mr Zuma took power in May after an election campaign in which he pledged to ease poverty.
This was an election campaign that had some extraordinary moments - but it was won by long, hard planning.
And they are already bored with an election campaign which, vastly expensive though it is, has never really warmed up.
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, in the middle of an election campaign, also decided to bypass the funeral and return home.
That question was, perhaps understandably, barely mentioned in an election campaign that focused on pressing domestic issues and the Arab uprisings.
Some of this may be the necessary double-speak of an election campaign.
With an election campaign to fight, party leaders in Maharashtra mainly seem to wish that Mr Singh and Mr Aiyer would keep quiet.
Prime ministerial engagements and parliamentary announcements were rescheduled, apparently in advance of an election campaign that many observers thought would begin this week.
Mr Sarkozy, who faces an election campaign next April, has himself been accused this year of taking illegal donations from L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.
Dianne Feinstein of California chided supporters for bringing up such a contentious measure in the heat of an election campaign that they know will not pass.
The Bank has said that, since it is now independent of the government, it would not necessarily have to stay its hand during an election campaign.
But of course things are said and there's a lot of heat in an election campaign, but we've had the result and now we move on.
After the drama of the vote in the Canadian parliament, and a week of rancorous debate, it was time for the formality of launching an election campaign.
When, during an election campaign, a candidate is accused of not having paid income taxes during some past period, the only relevant question is whether it was legal.
Mr Jones, a former chairman of the Welsh affairs select committee, said he hoped his announcement would allow a new candidate to fight an election campaign "on their own terms".
Under the act, anyone involved in an election campaign who "makes or publishes any false statement of fact in relation to the candidate's personal character or conduct" has committed an offence.
In May, he was handed an additional eight year prison term by a court in Lima after he was found guilty of embezzlement for handing over state funds during an election campaign.
"We are in an election campaign so there are a lot of fake things said that candidates wouldn't say if they were in power, " said Antonio Barroso, analyst at political research firm Eurasia.
Just like in an election campaign, if you convince the decision-makers (be they voters or hiring managers) that you can fulfill your promises, you get the job (or contract, investment, stock price, etc.).
As a lifetime senator, Mr Monti cannot run for office but can take part in an election campaign and can return to the post of prime minister if asked by a party or coalition.
It was a gamble because even though she has a high local profile, as the chief executive of Rotherham's Bluebell Wood children's hospice, she has never had to cope with the rough-and-tumble of an election campaign.
Analysts say that Venezuela's mix of Catholic and animist beliefs, especially in the south-central plains and jungles, is fertile ground for talk of spirits and curses which may otherwise seem out of place in an election campaign.
But if the Parliament insists on pushing through a policy forged in the heat of an election campaign rather than out of the calm consideration and consultation that the Parliament's committee structure is supposed to encourage, ministers in London will have to accept the anomaly or grudgingly follow suit.
The, the Tories want to keep the pound, William Hague is adamant that Britain should be in Europe but not Europe and going one step further the United Kingdom Independence Party wants, no messing about here, wants Britain to pull out of Europe altogether, is this a sustainable platform on which to run an election campaign.