The Bengal tiger is the national symbol of India and an endangered species around the world.
The Liberal Democrats have complained that languages are becoming "an endangered species" in universities.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Big fall in university languages
In British Columbia, a traditional stronghold, it looks set to become an endangered species.
ECONOMIST: The province��s New Democrats head for extinction
"The people that are in this room really are an endangered species, " another man said.
CNN: WW II vet held in Nazi slave camp breaks silence: 'Let it be known'
The blazered white British gent with his pint of foaming bitter is portrayed as an endangered species.
On Leaf Cay, for example, yard-long rock iguanas sun themselves with a languor unbecoming an endangered species.
The Owston's civet is an endangered species found in the forests of Vietnam, Laos and southern China.
For the past 90 years Woodlawn has been a dairy farm, an endangered species in America's north-east.
But Giggs - the first British footballer to be featured in The Simpsons - is an endangered species.
And it's good for our kids to see that we're working with the government to protect an endangered species.
Still, codfish aren't about to become an endangered species, according to Sam Rauch, head of the NOAA's fisheries service.
The elephant is listed as an endangered species in Sri Lanka and killing of it carries the death penalty.
Nicholas Garland showed its members as an Endangered Species, bereft in long grass like hunted animals poised on extinction.
Imagine that an endangered species remains in only ten acres of private land.
Real human observers and forecasters are almost an endangered species and Northolt pilots are very lucky to have them.
To add to all that, crossing points have had to be built for migratory Tibetan antelopes, an endangered species.
African greys are not classified as an endangered species - but they can only be traded under strict conditions.
An endangered species is set to return to a Northumberland forest more than 30 years after it was wiped out.
The numbers of Atlantic sturgeon are believed to be much smaller, and it was recently listed as an endangered species.
The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world, behind the blue whale, and is an endangered species.
However, starling numbers in Wales have fallen by two thirds since 1994 and the bird is on an endangered species list.
If it spreads much further, and no countermeasures can be developed, then the potato crisp itself could become an endangered species.
Nobody knows whether the birds on nearby Coquet Island, which include the roseate tern, an endangered species in Europe, will survive.
ECONOMIST: For some, sewage is pollution. For others, it's nutrition
They sometimes seem like an endangered species these days on Wall Street.
He is also credited with naming the Loch Ness Monster 'Nessiteras Rhombopteryx' so that it could be registered as an endangered species.
However, others think it came from an Asian elephant, an endangered species.
BBC: The tusk was found close to the ancient footprints site
The Center has petitioned the US to list the polar bear as an endangered species, which would oblige the government to protect it.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | US predicts polar bear meltdown
The pups, which are an endangered species, will grow to a length of 6ft (1.8m) and a weight of around 5st 5lb (34kg).
The site is a feeding and resting area for 12.5 percent (1, 500-2, 000 birds) of the Florida population of wood storks, an endangered species.