Tim has served with distinction under both Democrats and Republicans and has a long history of working comfortably, and as anhonestbroker, on both sides of the aisle.
As anhonestbroker, she has helped advance programs and policies to enhance citizen security in El Salvador while weakening transnational crime links that affect our own national security.
The current one offers Ennahda a second chance to rise above its partisan instinct to try to lock in its control over Tunisia, and to serve instead as anhonestbroker for all Tunisians.
Regional specialists believe that Tanzania's reputation as anhonestbroker and as a strictly neutral party in the conflicts afflicting its neighbours would be damaged by Tanzanian soldiers serving as mercenaries for forces outside the country.
As a result, the Council appeared not to perform its essential function as an"honest broker" in space policy-making and acted on the basis of a highly partisan and flawed study.