The drawer also holds Band-Aids and Tylenol for the occasional scrape or headache, anicepack for tension and a manicure case with products for hangnails and splinters.
For current pain, you may find relief from over-the-counter pain medicines or using a cold pack (such as anicepack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin towel) applied periodically to your chest.
The immediate diagnosis from the Blues was that the Wales centre was taken off as a precaution and was later seen holding an ice-pack on the affected area.
He needed to have an ice-pack applied to a thigh injury - with boss Rafa Benitez hoping he will recover in time for Tuesday's Champions League quarter-final first leg against PSV Eindhoven.
The final leg from New Zealand to the Antarctic was an epic in itself, battling violent storms and treacherous packice before the Nimrod anchored in McMurdo Sound on Jan 28th 1908.
"Those water masses play a very important role in the present-day status of the icepack and changes in the delivery would have an influence and effect on ice distribution, " said Weingartner.