In July 1965, an inquiry into the disaster was held at the law courts in Cardiff.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Fatal mine explosion remembered
The FA have confirmed their compliance unit have launched an inquiry into the incidents before half-time.
For most of the moneyed class, an inquiry into their wealth elicits silence and cringes.
He also asked for an inquiry into "what role, if any, security services played".
BBC: Cyril Smith abuse claims: MP wants 'MI5 cover-up' inquiry
Bruce Crawford (SNP) again asked the first minister to order an inquiry into the leak.
Lord Macdonald, an ex-director of public prosecutions, has called for an inquiry into the practice.
BBC: Dead child identities: Met officer refuses to apologise
His lawyers have called for an inquiry into why the Muslim convert was prosecuted.
The report was published by Boston Borough Council following an inquiry into the effects of immigration.
BBC: Welfare reform will deter 'migrant' jobs: David Cameron
An inquiry into insider trading before the bid is also reminiscent of the old Italy.
Last month the UN launched an inquiry into the impact of drone strikes on civilians.
Currently, only the prime minister can order an inquiry into such claims against ministers.
An inquiry into the LSC's college re-building programme in England found that major mistakes had been made.
Margaret Couchman was giving evidence at an inquiry into the death of Gladys Richards in August 1998.
But his mother is taking legal advice and calling for an inquiry into the treatment he received.
Police have ordered an inquiry into the incident and the officer has also been suspended from duty.
WSJ: Top Delhi Police Officers Probing Rape Cases Transferred
On Sunday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for the FSA to launch an inquiry into Goldman Sachs.
Wait until an inquiry into possible salmonella contamination is further along, advises FDA Associate Commissioner David Acheson.
All the parties in opposition have asked the government to open an inquiry into the Bankia case.
Sir Jimmy Savile was investigated during an inquiry into abuse at a Jersey children's home, police said.
Last year, for instance, the FCC opened an inquiry into the billing practices of wireless and wireline companies.
FORBES: Verizon Overcharge Refund Sign Of Greater Telecom Regulation?
Mr Nadir said that he was disappointed that demands for an inquiry into his prosecution were turned down.
BBC: Asil Nadir says doctors warned him against return to UK
An inquiry into Mr Lewis's finances was never held by City Hall after he resigned as deputy mayor.
The UN is launching an inquiry into the impact on civilians of drone strikes and other targeted killings.
In February 1974, the House voted to direct the House Judiciary Committee to conduct an inquiry into impeachment.
He stepped aside on 22 October while an inquiry into Newsnight's handling of the story was carried out.
Quirkiest: Shop Class As Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value Of Work by Matthew Crawford, discussed here.
On 13 June 2012, MPs rejected a call for an inquiry into whether Mr Hunt broke ministerial rules.
In February this year, Parliament's Committee on Standards in Public Life decided against launching an inquiry into MPs' allowances.
Omar Abdullah, the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir state, said there would be an inquiry into the death.
Jersey's Anglican churches have urged the Bishop of Winchester to press ahead with an inquiry into the island's dean.