Shirkey notes that WikiLeaks is an international organization, and that the situation changes things quite dramatically.
The very idea that an international organization could enforce rules on the misuse of computers is ludicrous.
At least seven years of progressively relevant responsible experience, preferably in an international organization, with exposure to diplomatic relations or protocol.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Protocol (4/7/2011) (# ERC 147 - (P4))
Paul Fishstein is the director of the Afghan Research and Evaluation Unit, an international organization that monitored the election.
Just this week an international organization called OECD in Paris predicted that the eurozone economy is now entering a recession now.
The Council of Europe is an international organization bringing together 47 countries.
CNN: Report: NATO shares blame over Libya migrant boat deaths
It became the first South American nation to join the OECD in 2010 -- an international organization set up to stimulate democracy and free markets.
The Organization of American States (OAS) or, as it is known in the three other official languages (OEA), is an international organization, headquartered in Washington D.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Two thumbs down for Insulza and the OAS
As we neared our deadline Sunday, we heard different views on whether Mr. Strauss-Kahn has diplomatic immunity because he works for an international organization headquartered in Washington.
For example, it still allows an international organization for the first time to collect revenues from American taxpayers as the price for permission to exploit the world's seabeds.
According to a survey conducted by an international organization in 2008, roughly seventy per cent of the colonels and generals in the Afghan Army appeared to be loyal to Khan.
The study was conducted by MIT doctoral student Mabel Abraham and presented today at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, an international organization devoted to management research and teaching.
President Reagan refused to agree to LOST's ratification in part because he found anathema the idea of empowering an international organization to raise its own revenues through what amount to taxes on seabed mining and energy exploitation.
On November 30, 2012 the heads of state from South America gathered in Peru, for a meeting under the banner of UNASUR, an international organization that promotes economic integration and regional dialogue between countries in South America.
In 2010, he prodded the Sara Lee Corporation to commit to purchasing palm oil from suppliers that are members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm (RSPO), an international organization of producers, distributors, conservationists and other stakeholders, formed in 2004 to promote the growth and use of sustainable oil palm products.
The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, an international organization with 30 member countries, including the United States, recently released a report listing 10 cities that face the highest risk from flooding right now: Mumbai, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Miami, Ho Chi Minh City, Calcutta, greater New York City, Osaka-Kibe, Alexandria and New Orleans.
Meanwhile, an international journalist organization is continuing its campaign for her release.
The FDIC says Crowe should have followed the professional standards promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors, an international professional organization for internal auditors.
FORBES: A Tale of Two Lawsuits -- PricewaterhouseCoopers and Colonial Bank
It is this kind of behavior that earned her the 2011 Componente della Commissione Etica prize awarded by an international cycling organization to the riders who best embodies ethics and fairness in competition.
FORBES: Courage: What We Can Learn From a Cyclist Who Said No to Doping
She was working for an international assistance organization.
In a statement on Monday the EU Commission said its proposal to restore GSP status for Burma was based on an International Labour Organization (ILO) conclusion that the country had made "significant" progress in tackling forced labour.
When I asked John Wood, founder and board chair of Room to Read, an international nonprofit organization focused on literacy and gender equality in education in Asia and Africa, about Khan, he said he was actually meeting with him this week.
My own organization, Oxfam, an international relief and development organization, recently endorsed the idea of eating less meat and dairy as part of our GROW campaign to fight global hunger.
He is also an independent consultant and adviser to the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, an international- development organization focused on Afghanistan.
FORBES: Mobile Afghanistan: How A National Telecom Network Delivers Social Goods
Transparency International - an organization tackling corruption -- ranked Croatia below Rwanda, Jordan and Cuba in its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2012.
At some point these trusts founded an organization called International Clearing Associates (ICA), a general partnership that takes cash from the trusts and lends it to other trusts and their companies.
In 1995, he took over Professional Bull Riders (PBR), which is an international professional bull riding organization where cowboys compete to see who can stay on the bull for eight seconds.
An industry organization, the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), lacks legal authority but ostensibly oversees the industry.
Work on your public speaking with an organization like Toastmasters International.
International Rivers, an organization working against destructive riverside projects, says that the Ethiopian government has not allowed an open discussion about the funding and merits of this dam.