"Universally agreed" or not, the CDHRI was served as an official document to the U.N.
Pemex was no help, telling him it had no power to alter the terms of an official document.
"As it is universally recognized, the passport is an official document issued by her government, " the statement said.
At the time JFK was in the White House when, after reading an official document, he handed it to his daughter Caroline.
But a Department of Health spokesman insisted it would have been "irresponsible" to publish what is preliminary, and possibly unreliable data in an official document.
The record of the partnership is also an official public document kept by the General Registry Office in England and Wales (and its equivalents in Scotland and Northern Ireland).
BBC: Germany introduced similar equality legislation in 2001
The 16-page white paper -- titled "Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen who is a Senior Operational Leader of Al Qaida or an Associated Force" -- is a policy paper rather than an official legal document.
CNN: Obama to give white paper on targeted killings to Congress
Since the fall of the Taliban more than four years ago, there's been an explosive growth among the independent press, but news offices recently received an official-looking document with directives on how to cover the news.
Joseph Dunford has since put U.S.-led forces on heightened alert, warning in an advisory that Mr. Karzai's "inflammatory" words could prompt some Afghans to "lash out" at Western forces, according to an official familiar with the document.
Dr. OLIVE VITROGONSKI: (Through Translator) You have to give bribes whenever you want anything: a document, an official stamp, anything.
She said she was charged with insulting an official and then released after signing a document saying she would appear at a public prosecution office when requested to do so.
The hurried release of the Environmental Assessment last Friday capped a frenzied two days behind the scenes at the White House and FDA. Within hours after the Slate article and leaked document were posted, an administration official notified the FDA that the administration was dropping its indefinite hold.
Months earlier, an international magazine said it had seen a leaked official document saying that reserves were only half the government's standard boast: that Kuwait has a tenth of the world's.
ECONOMIST: An experiment in democracy fails to inspire the neighbours
The leaked document, however, is not one of those snowflakes but an official memorandum, and so carries even more weight.
Obama directed the Justice Department to provide access to the secret document to members of the Senate and House intelligence committees, an administration official said Wednesday.