In 2011, Tamazight became an official language in Morocco, taught alongside Arabic in schools.
"There is an official language in the middle of all this... and it's a good idea to learn it, " Mr Hodgkinson insisted.
"Catalan could become an official language of the European Union, " he says.
Luxembourg is Luxembourgish-speaking, although French is an official language.
Buzakhar said Tamazight's "deep-rooted" history as a native language -- which significantly predated Arabic's arrival in North Africa -- meant that regarding it as anything less than an official language was illogical.
Morocco's king, Mohammed VI, announced several reforms, including new parliamentary elections, civic and social equality for women, and recognition of the indigenous Berber language as an official state language along with Arabic.
An official version in the English language shall be provided of anything which, by this Constitution, or by any written law, or by the Standing Orders, is required to be printed or in writing, and such version shall, in addition to the official Malay version, be accepted as an authentic text.
Knowledge of another official UN language would be an added advantage.
Knowledge of another official language of UNESCO would be an asset.
"Music is truly an international language, " Hamlisch said on his official website.
In a letter to the CIRA Board (I was a member of the board at the time), it delivered an official request for multilingual domains to allow for the use of French language characters.
Earlier, lawmakers had debated and rejected an amendment to the bill that would have designated English as the "official language" of the United States, seen as a likely setback to chances for Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico to become the 51st state.
Knowledge of another UN official language (Arabic, Chinese, Russian, or Spanish) would be an added advantage.