Mr Dizaei said Waad al-Baghdadi, who had designed a website for him, swore at him through an open car window and "frightened" his wife.
At his inauguration last week in the national sports stadium, President Koroma did several laps of honour in an open-topped car.
He was taken on a lap of honour around the town centre in an open-top car, followed by a cavalcade of cyclists from Pendle's local clubs.
After the inauguration, Mr Hollande rode up the Champs Elysees in an open-topped car, waving to the crowd despite the rain, before laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe.
The first car, an open-topped Ford tourer sporting flags and bunting, traversed it in 1913.
In February, Sanger police found a vehicle parked in front of a Baptist church in the very early morning hours and, upon investigation, discovered Travis in the car with an open bottle of wine, the Denton County Sheriff's Office told CNN.
Sooner or later, Congress will adopt an Open Fuel Standard requiring every new car sold in America to be an FFV.
Shortly, you will be able to open an app and have your car come pick you up wherever you are or go pick up a family member when you can't or go to the grocery store for you, the post-office, etc, etc.
FORBES: Why Google Will Lose in Driverless Cars (and Who Will Win)
Getting a car to drive along an open road without crashing into other vehicles is one thing.
Simple: By adopting an Open Fuel Standard that requires every new car sold in America to have not only have seat-belts and airbags but Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) capability.
Now GM is trying to do something about those costs with an unusual ally: its own OnStar subsidiary, the wireless satellite service that can open your car door when you're locked out or send an ambulance when your air bag deploys.
Authorities found what appeared to be an open gun box on the seat of his car, which had been parked at the East Falls Church Metro station, according to the complaint.
Five more locations will open as a result of an agreement between NASCAR Car Wash Company and Spotless Express and Sparkles, which already owns car washes in the Chicago area.
Mr Gibson had an open bottle of tequila next to him on the seat of his car.
In August 2012, an excavation began in a city council car park - the only open space remaining in the likely area - which quickly identified buildings connected to the church.
The tail end of the car is open to the elements, giving guests an unobstructed view of such spectacular scenery as the escarpment that drops precipitously from the high veld of Johannesburg and Pretoria.
She says she sat in a car while they questioned him, as he leaned in through an open window to tell the police officer what he saw of the assault, forcing Gaca to once again relive the experience.
That extra attention to detail has already begun at the Ferrari factory as the team's engineers solved the problem with Alonso's faulty drag reduction system (DRS) -- an overtaking aid which increases the car's straight-line speed by flipping open the top flap of the rear wing -- the day after the Bahrain Grand Prix.
At the Mercedes, the back door on the far side swung open and a frail woman dressed in an ankle-length cloth coat and peasant galoshes stumbled from the car.
The friend who rented an apartment to Tsarnaev family said the father, Anzor Tsarnaev, was a talented car mechanic and aspired to open his own garage.
An experimental section of road where an external computer can take over your car if you wish (and are suitably wired up) is now open in California to test the idea.
While a staid sedan may not have the same sex appeal as an open-top convertible, the market will reward a vintage automobile in top-notch condition, like the car sold at Cowan's.
Compound or open fractures are typically high-energy type injuries which generally occur when an individual is involved in a high velocity car accident or fall- or when a landing is awkward with twisting or torsional type forces.