An inquest jury has returned an open verdict on a Scottish fisherman who fell overboard in Caernarfon Bay.
BBC: An RNLI lifeboat
Coroner Alan Craze recorded a verdict of death from natural causes for Mr Private and an open verdict on his wife.
BBC: Dead Eastbourne couple 'lived in isolation'
Dr Peter Dean recorded an open verdict into the deaths of Davina Hamilton, 42, and John Parsons, 46, who were found near a car in Martlesham in December.
BBC: The car involved in the investigation
An inquest has recorded an open verdict on a woman whose body had not been found since she was reported missing on the north Wales coast three years ago.
BBC: Open verdict on Pauline Annette Edwards missing in 2010
An inquest into her death returned an open verdict.
BBC: Girl, 16, who died of overdose was let down says MP
Coroner Andrew Tweddle, told the jury they should consider returning an open verdict if they were not certain beyond reasonable doubt that she intended to kill herself, and had not hoped she would be saved.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Prison criticised over cell death
He concluded that on the balance of probabilities, the deaths of Ptes Benton, James and Gray were self-inflicted, but he offered no conclusion on the death of Pte Collinson, whose inquest returned an open verdict earlier this month.
BBC: NEWS | UK | The Deepcut investigations
The coroner recorded an open verdict.
BBC: Huddersfield soldier's inquest records open verdict