This article is adapted from "Why It Pays To Be an Optimist" by Martha E.
He is an optimist and believes that "Kenyans will emerge from these elections more united".
He was known as an optimist, a mentor, and a loving husband and loving father.
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But getting closer to mutual deterrence may actually help improve bilateral ties, says an optimist, C.
For the greater part of the past half-century Wall Street financier Leon Levy has been an optimist.
Let me first define the word optimism and what it means to classify oneself as an optimist.
He is an optimist and a serious proponent of the "one door closes, another door opens" philosophy.
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That said, why do I believe that being an optimist is important for those of us in communications?
Yet Rosen is ultimately an optimist about hi-tech and says, used right, it can open up astonishing possibilities.
Kaniel, Massey and Robinson's "The Importance of Being an Optimist" working paper is available for download here.
Michael Hebbert is an optimist, revelling in London's ability to reinvent itself and find new sources of vitality.
One does not even begin to plan an ocean crossing in a 40-foot boat unless one is an optimist.
For one, we know Bono is an optimist, because he wears rose-colored glasses.
One thing I will grant Kurzweil is that the man is an optimist.
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As an optimist and inveterate people lover, I refuse to accept the cynical explanation that people are just venal hypocrites.
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An optimist may point out that the positive variation in the first month of the second quarter could suggest better days ahead.
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One of the reasons I ask this question in the first place is that my natural tendency is to be an optimist.
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It's reflective of my style of management as that of an optimist.
Depending on whether you are an optimist or a pessimist, the grant is a significant boost or a drop in the ocean.
You have to be something of an optimist to believe that governments which can tax more easily will also tax more lightly.
Oddly however, he insists that he is himself an optimist by nature.
He's just a happy guy by nature and I think he's an optimist, and he finds a silver lining if there is one.
Twin boys, one a pessimist and one an optimist, were sent to a psychiatrist because their parents were disturbed by their personality extremes.
The prime minister said this morning he was an optimist not a pessimist when it came to getting meaty reforms from his EU partners.
And I am an optimist, as well as my American colleague, and I believe that we will be able to reach compromise on these issues.
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I'm often accused of being an optimist, and it's true I had to hunt pretty hard to find any good news in the Board's report.
So the visitor returns thankful for much of what he has seen, and, in spite of everything, an optimist about what his country might be.
"Mulally was an optimist" about how much money the new plane could make, but Mr. McNerney and fellow directors were skeptical, the ex-board member says.