Born in Brooklyn, New York to parents who emigrated here from Palestine and attending NYC public schools my whole life, I would say I was an ordinary kid with an ordinary life.
For a great many poor people in America, particularly poor black men, prison is a destination that braids through an ordinary life, much as high school and college do for rich white ones.
Other pictures show them in pubs, trying to maintain an ordinary social life, or doing war-relief work.
He was given a new name, a job and a flat on his release to try to ensure his security and give him an "ordinary" life.
Mr Blair's parents toiled their way out of the Celtic working class, giving their son an insight into ordinary life that eludes the current prime minister and chancellor.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 is a darkly humorous over-the-top operation sim game where players become Nigel Burke, an ordinary guy taking life into his own shaky hands, performing life-saving surgical manoeuvres on passive patients.
ENGADGET: The cost of a botched operation? ?6.99 on Steam thanks to Surgeon Simulator
Filming at an Olympian remove from ordinary life, Straub and Huillet judge it severely and reach profound, disturbing conclusions: in an unwillingness to face death, modern mankind rejects the gods and despoils the divine realm of nature.
Born in 1869, a year after the tsar, Rasputin seemed destined to a perfectly ordinary peasant life when an enforced stay in a local monastery, named Verkhoturye, seems to have changed him forever.
His death comes in a year when his artistic legacy is being celebrated through The Whysman Festival and an archive exhibition, A Life Less Ordinary.
The spaceship Nostromo is hauling a dreary cargo of ore back to Earth when it inadvertently allows an unpleasant intruder on board, and ordinary life becomes a nightmare.
He said, correctly, that he was an ordinary chap, but he politely answered reporters' questions about his life.
You may have to move 10 times a year, but the diverse places and people you meet become an integral part of your journey through life, turning it into anything but ordinary.
It's not going to affect our lives as ordinary women -- our daily life, going to work, finding a job, getting an education.
They should not move into an area unless they are confident that they have the resources and the will to stay and make life better for ordinary people.