For anunusualexperience- although you would not call it authentic - go see Thai Elvis perform at the Palm's restaurant ( every Wednesday through Sunday nights.
So often in their Blue Square North fixtures Redditch are the underdogs, so it will be anunusualexperience going into Saturday's Valley Stadium clash (1500 BST) as clear favourites against the Midland Alliance high fliers.
It is no coincidence that the most successful German companies tend to be run by managers who have anunusual amount of experience working not just abroad, but for foreign companies.
"This is an intriguing and a unique event combining the unusual practice of venerating relics with a down-to-earth experience of an optimistic spirituality for all, " said Father Martin Coyle, the provincial leader of the Salesians in Great Britain, the religious order founded by the saint.
The idea of providing an all-day experience comes from the U.S., where it isn't unusual for shopping centers to include doctor and dentist offices as well as food halls and entertainment options to complement the usual range of clothing and other retail stores.
Appointing a curator with no executive experience to lead an encyclopedic museum on a par with the Metropolitan Museum and the National Gallery is unusual.